Etch-a-sketch project for the odin project.
create 16x16 grid of squares with javascript X
- create function that creates a square div X
- create loop that runs required amount of times(tiles)^2 to create grid X
- set flex values to ensure consistent sizing X
create hover effect that changes color of square when you hover over it
- create eventlistener for hover tag X //ended up being mouseover
- make function to run on this to either add class or change background-color X
- bonus: change color each time a tile gets passed and add value to darkness
- Design bonus: add listtener for which direction tile is getting entered from and use to aniimate knob / transform
add button to clear grid and query amount of squares in new grid X
- Max 100
- Create box on top for number to be added to maintain ease of use X
- delete current divs on click and create new amount based on number entered X
- animate container div with sand shake sound
Design ideas
add border around with appropriate color with title
add shake to button for reset
add spinning knobs that rotate based on mouse direction
add floating clouds
- Bonheur Royale font by Robert Leuschke;
- Dymaxion Script font by Nick's Fonts;
- Merkurius font by omaikraf;