JSOG (JavaScript Object Graph) is a simple convention which allows arbitrary object graphs to be represented in JSON. It allows a large, complicated, cyclic object graph to be serialized and deserialized to and from JSON.
JSON is widely used as a data interchange format, however, it is limited:
- Only directed acyclic graphs can be represented.
- Graphs with repeating information are duplicated on the wire and in memory.
For example:
"name": "Sally",
"secretSanta": {...Bob...}
"name": "Bob",
"secretSanta": {...Fred...}
"name": "Fred",
"secretSanta": {...Sally...}
This graph has cycles. Your database can represent these relationships just fine and your ORM can pull the object graph (with references) into memory, but you cannot directly serialize to a JSON structure without stack overflow errors.
JSOG is a standard way to represent object graphs.
- JSOG is 100% JSON. No special parser is necessary.
- JSOG is human readable; graphs without cycles look like regular JSON.
- JSOG does not require (or interact with) pre-existing id fields.
- JSOG is fully self-describing; ids and refs are unambiguous.
- JSOG is easy to implement in any language or platform.
This is the JSOG representation of the aforementioned graph:
"@id": "1",
"name": "Sally",
"secretSanta": {
"@id": "2",
"name": "Bob",
"secretSanta": {
"@id": "3",
"name": "Fred",
"secretSanta": { "@ref": "1" }
{ "@ref": "2" },
{ "@ref": "3" }
- @id values are arbitrary strings.
- @id definitions must come before @ref references.
Each time a new object is encountered, give it a unique string @id. Each time a repeated object is encountered, serialize as a @ref to the existing @id.
Track the @id of every object deserialized. When a @ref is encountered, replace it with the object referenced.
JSOG is designed to be easily implemented across platforms. Look at the existing implementations; most are a couple dozen lines of code.
The github project which contains this README includes a JavaScript implementation of JSOG. It can be used to convert between a cyclic object graph and JSOG strings:
string = JSOG.stringify(cyclicGraph);
cyclicGraph = JSOG.parse(string);
Or it can be used to convert between object graphs directly:
jsogStructure = JSOG.encode(cyclicGraph); // has { '@ref': 'ID' } links instead of cycles
cyclicGraph = JSOG.decode(jsogStructure);
- Java: a Jackson plugin
- Python: a Python implementation
- Ruby: a Ruby implementation
- Typescript: a third party Typescript implementation
Please contact us about other implementations so they can be linked here.
The authors are:
- Jeff Schnitzer ([email protected])
- Jon Stevens ([email protected])
This specification and software are provided under the MIT license