SURvivability Requirements Elicitation and Assessment tooL
plugins: ready-to-use jar to put in the dropins folder in order to use the Surreal framework
- provaSurvivabilityProfile: Papyrus model project with running example with the profile application
- SurvivabilityProfile: Papyrus profile project with the profile definition
repository: folder containing the content and the structure of a JSON repository implemeting the Query Template Repository
- htdocs/repository.json: JSON description of the repository
- htdocs/ReversibilitySolver.jar: Jar implmeneting the P1 query template solver
- htdocs/MultipleThreatImpactSolver.jar: Jar implmeneting the P8 query template solver
- htdocs/BestStrategySolver.jar: Jar implmeneting the P14 query template solver
- bash script file running a Docker container running a web server
Eclipse plugins
- Profile/org.surreal.SurvivabilityProfile: Eclipse plugin project of the Survivability Profile
- Surreal/: Eclipse plugin project SAM Generation and Query Instantiation
- Surreal_solvers/: Eclipse projects related to the three implemented solvers
- Gui/org.surreal.SurvivabilityPropertiesGui: Eclipe plugin project of the Gui for the selection of surv. properties
- docker
- a version of Eclipse with modeling tools installed (the project has been developer under Oxygen but Photon works as well)
- extract from this repository, the two plugins in the plugin folder
- open the org.surreal_**.jar file and edit the configuration.ini file under the configuration folder
- keep kind=json
- change the url value if you don't wnat to use the embedded docker web server (in this case, write down the url of the server you want to use)
- in case you have not a NuSMV tool that can be launched from the command line independently from the folder you stay in, report in the tool entry the absolute path and the name of the NuSMV tool
- save and close the jar and put both the plugin files into the dropinf folder of your Eclipse environment.
- open your Eclipse environment as prepared before
- create a generic Eclipse project
- add a Survivability Profile conformant UML model (MUCD) to the project
- select the model
- press the SAM button you see on the toolbar or select SAM Generation. The process will generate another uml model with a _out suffix before the uml extension containing the Survivability Assessment Model
- select SAM model
- press the QRY button you see on the toolbar or select Query Instancer. The process will open the Query Instantioation GUI through which you can check and analyse the query templates you want
- when the Check button is pressed, the queries are analysed, the GUI is hidden and the results are available on the console in the calling Eclipse environment