UML profiles for the DICE project
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Examples - org.dice.profiles.examples
This project contains some Papyrus UML models demonstrating some DICE Profile annotations.
This plugin implement the DICE profile using the same system as MARTE to define NFP datatypes. To generate the DICE.ecore model from the DICE.profile.uml the patched org.eclipse.uml2.uml
plugin is needed.
Feature for the DICE Profile.
This plugin reimplements the DAM profile available at, and unifies the type system, solving problems with the redefinition of MARTE datatypes.
To generate the DAM.ecore model from the DAM.profile.uml the patched org.eclipse.uml2.uml
plugin is needed.
Feature for the DAM Profile.
UI enhancements for the DAM profile, such as icons and custom label providers for the 'Properties' view.
Feature for the UI enhancements of the DAM Profile.
This plugin is a patched version of org.eclipse.uml2.uml
that eases the generation of profiles based on Papyrus MARTE.
It is only required for generating the Ecore file that implements a UML profile.