::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Bot Kick Script :: :: Original Script by BimaRamadhan :: :: Modifications by SIDbim69 :: :: Kicks unauthorized bots from :: :: an SIDbim channel. :: :: All Rights Reserved :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
;Instructions for Use: ;1. To turn on/off/view status of the script: !botkicker switch [on|off|status] ;2. To set a custom kick message: !botkicker set kickmsg kickmsghere, replacing "kickmsghere" with your kick message. ;3. To set a custom ban message: !botkicker set banmsg banmsghere, replacing "banmsghere" with your ban message. ;4. To set ban notification to channel/nick of a ban: !botkicker set nickchan nickorchan, replacing nickorchan with a desired nick or channel. ;5. To set exceptions: !botkicker set exception nick, replacing "nick" with the desired nick.
on *:TEXT:!botkicker *:#:{
if (!$2) { msg $chan Error: !botkicker [switch|set] }
if ($2 == switch) {
if (!$3) { msg $chan Error: !botkicker switch [on|off|status] }
if (
On *:JOIN:#: {
if (% [ $+ [