Download or Upload file to remote in Vim
Install using [vim-plug],[bundle],[vundle],[pathogen] or your favorite Vim package manager.
create an executable file .rsync in your root project directory.
will execute project_dir/.rsync and upload current buffer file
will execute project_dir/.rsync and download current buffer file
3 argument will be passed to the executable command :
- $1 a string : "upload" or "download"
- $2 the path from the root to the buffer ps : $2 will be empty if the file is in the root directory so $2 will be $3
- $3 the buffer file name
#!/bin/sh userid='user_id@host' key='path_to_the_private_key' # in this case the private key must not have passphrase path='remote_server_path' if [ "upload" == $1 ];then if [ -z "$3" ];then echo put $2 $path/$2 | sftp -i $key $remote else echo put $2/$3 $path/$2/$3 | sftp -i $key $remote fi elif [ 'download' == $1 ];then if [ -z "$3" ];then echo get $path/$2 $2 | sftp -i $key $remote else echo get $path/$2/$3 $2/$3 | sftp -i $key $remote fi fi