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Installing and Running FDS under Mac OS X

Kevin McGrattan edited this page Nov 4, 2015 · 1 revision

Installing the Bundle

  1. Open the terminal application by clicking the spotlight in the top right corner and typing "terminal", then pressing Enter.

  2. "cd" to the directory where the downloaded bundle is located, for example,

    $ cd Downloads/

  3. Run the installer script (note that the version number for the file that you downloaded might be different).

    $ bash

After typing this bash command you will be prompted to select one of two options for installation.

Installing 64 bit OSX FDS 6.2.0 and Smokeview 6.2.2

  1) Press <Enter> to begin installation
  2) Type "extract" to copy the installation files to FDS_6.2.0-SMV_6.2.2_osx64.tar.gz
Option 1 (typical)

Press Enter. You will be prompted to select an installation location.

Where would you like to install FDS?
  Press 1 to install in /Applications/FDS/FDS6
  Press 2 to install in /Users/<username>/FDS/FDS6
  Enter a directory path to install elsewhere

Make your selection and press Enter. Note that if you do not have write access to /Applications you either have to sudo bash or install in your local directory (Option 2). You will be shown the directory locations for FDS and OpenMPI installation. If these are correct, type "yes" to continue with installation.

Installation directory: /Users/<username>/FDS/FDS6
         MPI directory: /shared/openmpi_64
Do you wish to proceed with the installation? (yes/no) yes

Installation beginning
Creating directory /Users/<username>/FDS/FDS6
The installation directory, /Users/<username>/FDS/FDS6, has been created.

Copying FDS installation files to /Users/<username>/FDS/FDS6
Copy complete.

Installation complete.

To confirm a successful installation, close your terminal and open a new one. Type

$ which fds

Next, type "fds" at the command prompt to confirm the correct version has been installed.

$ fds
 OpenMP thread   0 of   3 assigned to MPI process   0 of   0 is running on <my_machine>
 OpenMP thread   2 of   3 assigned to MPI process   0 of   0 is running on <my_machine>
 OpenMP thread   3 of   3 assigned to MPI process   0 of   0 is running on <my_machine>
 OpenMP thread   1 of   3 assigned to MPI process   0 of   0 is running on <my_machine>

 Fire Dynamics Simulator

 Compilation Date : Sat, 11 Apr 2015
 Current Date     : June 26, 2015  10:12:01
 Version          : FDS 6.2.0
 SVN Revision No. : 22343

 MPI Enabled; Number of MPI Processes:     1
 OpenMP Enabled; Number of OpenMP Threads:   4

 Consult FDS Users Guide Chapter, Running FDS, for further instructions.

 Hit Enter to Escape...

Note that as of FDS 6.2.0 there is only one executable for both serial and MPI calculations (serial is just MPI with one process). The number of available OpenMP (shared memory parallelization) threads may be set via

$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4

To confirm or check this setting do

Option 2

Type "extract" (not "2"!):

  1) Press <Enter> to begin installation
  2) Type "extract" to copy the installation files to FDS_6.2.0-SMV_6.2.2_osx64.tar.gz
Extracting the file embedded in this installer to FDS_6.2.0-SMV_6.2.2_osx64.tar.gz

Unzip and untar the bundle.

$ gunzip FDS_6.2.0-SMV_6.2.2_osx64.tar.gz

$ tar -xvf FDS_6.2.0-SMV_6.2.2_osx64.tar

(or simply double click FDS_6.2.0-SMV_6.2.2_osx64.tar.gz in Finder).

Move the directory FDS_6.2.0-SMV_6.2.2_osx64/ to the desired location, for example,

$ mv FDS_6.2.0-SMV_6.2.2_osx64 /Applications/

(or simply drag-and-drop in Finder).

Now set up an alias in your .bash_profile to point to fds and smv.

$ vi ~/.bash_profile
# aliases

alias fds='/Applications/FDS_6.2.0-SMV_6.2.2_osx64/bin/fds'
alias smv='/Applications/FDS_6.2.0-SMV_6.2.2_osx64/bin/smokeview'

You can now run FDS or Smokeview from a terminal using

$ fds chid.fds
$ smv chid

FDS and Smokeview Launcher

The drag-and-drop FDS and Smokeview launcher script is available by extracting (double clicking in Finder) the archive located in your installation direcory, for example, /Users/<username>/FDS/FDS6/bin/. After the launcher script is extracted, you can create a shortcut to the launcher by dragging the icon to the application dock. You can then run FDS or Smokeview cases by dragging the .fds or .smv file to the dock icon in the launcher.

For further instructions, please see the YouTube video by Kris Overholt.

Running with MPI (distributed memory computing)

Please refer to the FDS User Guide for instructions on running FDS on distributed memory platforms.

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