SpaceBangBang Game Repo
Bang - Shot one time
Dodge - Dodge Shot
Guard - Create a structure in front of you that can block the shot three times, if there is no leading space, can`t use card
Lazer - Get Lazergun
Machinegun - Get Machinegun
Shotgun - Get Shotgun
Sniper - Get Sniper
Recorvery - Recorvery hp + 1
Scope - It gives you a broader view. Dotween is applied when the field of view is widened
Spray - Shot in 8 directions
Steal - Steal other player`s card, if they have not cards, Draw one card
Supply - Draw two card
AttachGameObjectsToParticles - add particle(Mainly applied to bullets and guns)
CameraShake - when shot CameraShaking
DropGun - when change gun, Throw away the old guns
TextEffect - if player damaged or Dodge or stolen card, setAcive Around the player
Bullet - get speed, dir, coroutine and startpos, Conflict handling with player, bullet and guard
gun - base of all gun, gun have stat(cooltime, range, ShakeIntensity etc), Get directions from players to determine sorting order and dir
K2 - default gun
lazer - special gun, when shot it charging Fixed duration and shot lazer
machinegun - Although the range is short, shot fast and Use bang with 50% probability
shotgun - Although the range is short, shot 3 bullet at a time
Sniper - it has long range
CardManager - it has cardsprite, and card`s probability, return ICard and CardType
DataManager - it has firebase auth, sound action and voluume, and player, weapon stat, kotlin file it Responsible for overall data and signups
GameManager - it Responsible Miscellaneous stuff, Coroutine Dict, overall gametime, sortaxis, frame etc
NetworkManager - it Responsible Network(photon), Handling Game Wins and Losses, lobby, roomscene and player
ObjectPoolManager - it Responsible ObjectPool mainly effect, card
SceneManagerEx - it Responsible fade-out when SceneLoadAsync
GuardObject - when use GuardCard, create Guard
ItemBox - An object that grants 5 cards when captured at a certain time.
MapController - has player spawner
TilemapMake - testcode
Player - base of all player, it has two state and handler, cardhandle, ui etc it handle use card and shot etc
PlayerState - playerstate, hit, crouch, idle, move, dead and their handler
playerlookstate - The direction the player is looking
BattleScene - it has CinemachineVirtualCamera, mapcontroller, volume, panels when battle is start, Init Player, UI and Directing if player dead, player can watch the game alive player sight if end game, start camera Directing and set win or draw panel
LobbyScene - player can create room or join room, setting sound, if logout game goto mainscene Pick a nickname one time in this scene if keydown escape two times, goto maincene
MainScene - StartScene, if touch screen, Enter loginscene or lobbyscene
LoginScene - player can signup wit kakao or email or anonymous
RoomScene - When two or more people are in the room and ready, select a character
BgmPlayer - BgmPlay all scene
CAudio - base of all Sound