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ruby_aem is a Ruby client for Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) API. It is written on top of swagger_aem and provides resource-oriented API and convenient response handling.

Learn more about ruby_aem:

ruby_aem is part of AEM OpenCloud platform but it can be used as a stand-alone.


gem install ruby_aem


Initialise client:

require 'ruby_aem'

aem ={
  username: 'admin',
  password: 'admin',
  protocol: 'http',
  host: 'localhost',
  port: 4502,
  timeout: 300,
  verify_ssl: true,
  debug: false


# wait until AEM login page is ready
aem = aem.aem
result = aem.get_login_page_wait_until_ready({
  _retries: {
    max_tries: 60,
    base_sleep_seconds: 2,
    max_sleep_seconds: 2

# wait until AEM Health Check has OK status
# this requires aem-healthcheck package to be installed
aem = aem.aem
result = aem.get_aem_health_check_wait_until_ok({
  tags: 'shallow',
  combine_tags_or: false,
  _retries: {
    max_tries: 60,
    base_sleep_seconds: 2,
    max_sleep_seconds: 2

# get an array of all agent names within AEM author or publish instance
aem = aem.aem
result = aem.get_agents('author')

# get an array of AEM product informations
aem = aem.aem
result = aem.get_product_info

AEM Config Manager:

# Create OpenAPI Spec of all configuration nodes
configmgr = aem.aem_configmgr('./source_api.yaml', 'api_dest.yaml')
result = configmgr.get_all_configuration_nodes


# stop bundle
bundle = aem.bundle('')
result = bundle.stop

# start bundle
bundle = aem.bundle('')
result = bundle.start

Configuration property:

config_property = aem.config_property('someproperty', 'Boolean', true)

# set config property on /apps/system/config/somenode
result = config_property.create('somenode')

Flush agent:

flush_agent = aem.flush_agent('author', 'some-flush-agent')

# create or update flush agent
opts = { log_level: 'info', retry_delay: 60_000 }
result = flush_agent.create_update('Some Flush Agent Title', 'Some flush agent description', 'http://somehost:8080', opts)

# check flush agent's existence
result = flush_agent.exists

# delete flush agent
result = flush_agent.delete


# create group
group ='/home/groups/s/', 'somegroup')

# check group's existence
result = group.exists

# set group permission
result = group.set_permission('/etc/replication', 'read:true,modify:true')

# add another group as a member
member_group ='/home/groups/s/', 'somemembergroup')
result = member_group.create
result = group.add_member('somemembergroup')

# delete group
result = group.delete


node = aem.node('/apps/system/', 'somefolder')

# create node
result = node.create('sling:Folder')

# check node's existence
result = node.exists

# delete node
result = node.delete


package = aem.package('somepackagegroup', 'somepackage', '1.2.3')

# upload package located at /tmp/
opts = { force: true }
result = package.upload('/tmp', opts)

# check whether package is uploaded
result = package.is_uploaded

# install package
opts = { recursive: true }
result = package.install(opts)

# uninstall package
result = package.uninstall(opts)

# check whether package is installed
result = package.is_installed

# replicate package
result = package.replicate

# download package to /tmp directory
result ='/tmp')

# create package
result = package.create

# build package
result =

# build package and wait until package is built (package exists and size is not empty)
result = package.build_wait_until_ready

# check whether package is built
result = package.is_built

# update package filter
result = package.update('[{"root":"/apps/geometrixx","rules":[]},{"root":"/apps/geometrixx-common","rules":[]}]')

# get package filter
result = package.get_filter

# activate filter
results = package.activate_filter(true, false)

# list all packages
result = package.list_all

# check whether package is empty
result = package.is_empty

# get all versions of the package
result = package.get_versions


# check path's existence
path = aem.path('/etc/designs/cloudservices')
result = path.activate(true, false)

# tree activate the path
path = aem.path('/etc/designs')
result = path.activate(true, false)

Replication agent:

replication_agent = aem.replication_agent('author', 'some-replication-agent')

# create or update replication agent
opts = {
  transport_user: 'admin',
  transport_password: 'admin',
  log_level: 'info',
  retry_delay: 60_000,
  ssl: 'relaxed'
result = replication_agent.create_update('Some Replication Agent Title', 'Some replication agent description', 'http://somehost:8080', opts)

# check replication agent's existence
result = replication_agent.exists

# delete replication agent
result = replication_agent.delete

Outbox replication agent:

outbox_replication_agent = aem.outbox_replication_agent('publish', 'some-outbox-replication-agent')

# create or update outbox replication agent
opts = {
  user_id: 'admin',
  log_level: 'info'
result = outbox_replication_agent.create_update('Some Outbox Replication Agent Title', 'Some outbox replication agent description', 'http://somehost:8080', opts)

# check outbox replication agent's existence
result = outbox_replication_agent.exists

# delete outbox replication agent
result = outbox_replication_agent.delete

Reverse replication agent:

reverse_replication_agent = aem.reverse_replication_agent('author', 'some-reverse-replication-agent')

# create or update reverse replication agent
opts = {
  transport_user: 'admin',
  transport_password: 'admin',
  log_level: 'info',
  retry_delay: 60_000
result = reverse_replication_agent.create_update('Some Reverse Replication Agent Title', 'Some reverse replication agent description', 'http://somehost:8080', opts)

# check reverse replication agent's existence
result = reverse_replication_agent.exists

# delete reverse replication agent
result = reverse_replication_agent.delete


repository = aem.repository

# block repository writes
result = repository.block_writes

# unblock repository writes
result = repository.unblock_writes


saml = aem.saml

# Configure SAML for AEM
opts = {
  key_store_password: 'someKeystorePassword',
  service_ranking: 5002,
  idp_http_redirect: true,
  create_user: true,
  default_redirect_url: '/some_sites.html',
  user_id_attribute: 'someUserID',
  default_groups: ['some-groups'],
  idp_cert_alias: 'some_alias_name_1234'.
  add_group_memberships: true,
  path: ['/'],
  synchronize_attributes: [
  clock_tolerance: 60,
  group_membership_attribute: 'http://temp/variable/aem-groups',
  idp_url: '\=HTTPPost&loginToRp\=',
  logout_url: '',
  service_provider_entity_id: '',
  handle_logout: true,
  sp_private_key_alias: '',
  use_encryption: false,
  name_id_format: 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient',
  digest_method	: '',
  signature_method	: ''
result = saml.create(opts)

# Delete  the SAML Configuration
result = saml.delete

# Get the current SAML Configuration
result = saml.get

Authorizable Keystore:

keystore = aem.authorizable_keystore('/home/users/system', 'authentication-service')

# Create Keystore
keystore_password = 'password'
result = keystore.create(keystore_password)

# Change Keystore Password
old_keystore_password = 'old_password'
new_keystore_password = 'new_password'
change_password(old_keystore_password, new_keystore_password)

# Delete keystore
result = keystore.delete

# Delete Certificate Chain from Keystore
private_key_alias = 'alias_123'

# Download keystore to a specific F=file
opts = { file: '/root/saved_keystore.p12' }
result =**opts)

# Download keystore to a specific directory
opts = { path: '/root' }
result = keystore.download_keystore(**opts)

# Check if keystore exists
result = keystore.exists

# Check if Alias exists
private_key_alias = 'alias_123'

# Get info about an existing keystore
result = keystore.get

# Get info about an Certificate Chain in the Keystore
private_key_alias = 'alias_123'

# Get info about an keystore provided as a file
file_path = '/root/store.p12'
keystore_password = 'admin'
result = keystore.read_keystore(file_path, keystore_password)

# Read certificate info from file
file_path = '/root/store.p12'

# Read certificate info provided as string
certificate_raw = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
def read_certificate_raw(certificate_raw)

# Upload a keystore backup
file_path = '/root/store.p12'
new_alias = alias_123
key_store_file_password = 'admin'
private_key_alias = 'alias_456'
private_key_password = 'private_password'

result = keystore.upload(file_path, new_alias, key_store_file_password, private_key_alias, private_key_password)

# Force upload a keystore backup
file_path = '/root/store.p12'
new_alias = alias_123
key_store_file_password = 'admin'
private_key_alias = 'alias_456'
private_key_password = 'private_password'
force = true

result = keystore.upload(file_path, new_alias, key_store_file_password, private_key_alias, private_key_password, force)

# Upload Certificate Chain into the Keystore
private_key_alias = 'alias_456'
certificate = '/tmp/cert.crt'
private_key = '/tmp/private_key.der'
upload_certificate_chain(private_key_alias, certificate, private_key)

# Upload Certificate Chain into the Keystore with certificate provided as string
certificate_raw = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
private_key_alias = 'alias_456'
private_key = '/tmp/private_key.der'
upload_certificate_chain_raw(private_key_alias, certificate_raw, private_key)

# Wait till keystore backup is uploaded
opts = {
  file_path: '/root/saved_keystore.p12',
  new_alias: alias_123,
  key_store_file_password: 'admin',
  private_key_alias: 'alias_456',
  private_key_password: 'private_password',
  _retries: {
    max_tries: 60,
    base_sleep_seconds: 2,
    max_sleep_seconds: 2
result = keystore.upload_keystore_from_file_wait_until_ready(opts)

# Wait until Certificate Chain is uploaded into the keystore
opts = {
  private_key_alias: 'alias_456',
  certificate: '/tmp/cert.crt',
  private_key: '/tmp/private_key.der',
  _retries: {
    max_tries: 60,
    base_sleep_seconds: 2,
    max_sleep_seconds: 2


# Wait until Certificate Chain is uploaded into the keystore with certificate provided as string
opts = {
  private_key_alias: 'alias_456',
  certificate_raw : '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
  -----END CERTIFICATE-----',
  private_key: '/tmp/private_key.der',
  _retries: {
    max_tries: 60,
    base_sleep_seconds: 2,
    max_sleep_seconds: 2



truststore = aem.truststore

# Create Truststore
truststore_password = 'admin'
result = truststore.create_truststore(truststore_password)

# Delete Truststore
truststore_password = 'admin'
result = truststore.delete_truststore

# Download Truststore to a specific F=file
file = '/root/saved_truststore.p12'
result = truststore.download_truststore(file: file)

# Download Truststore to a specific directory
path = '/root'
result = truststore.download_truststore(path: path)

# Check if Truststore exists
result = truststore.exists_truststore

# Get info about an existing Truststore
result = truststore.get_truststore_info

# Get info about an Truststore provided as a file
opts = {
  file_path: '/root/saved_truststore.p12'
  truststore_password: 'admin',
result = truststore.read_truststore(opts)

# Upload a Truststore backup
file_path = '/root/saved_truststore.p12'
result = truststore.upload_truststore_from_file(file_path: file_path)

# Force upload a Truststore backup
opts = {
  file_path: '/root/saved_truststore.p12'
  force: true,
result = truststore.upload_truststore_from_file(opts)

# Wait till Truststore backup is uploaded
opts = {
  file_path: '/root/saved_truststore.p12',
  _retries: {
    max_tries: 60,
    base_sleep_seconds: 2,
    max_sleep_seconds: 2
result = truststore.upload_truststore_from_file(opts)

# Force upload of a Truststore backup and wait till it is uploaded
opts = {
  file_path: '/root/saved_truststore.p12',
  force: true,
  _retries: {
    max_tries: 60,
    base_sleep_seconds: 2,
    max_sleep_seconds: 2
result = truststore.upload_truststore_from_file(opts)


certificate = aem.truststore

# Delete Certificate via Truststore alias name
certalias = 'alias_1234'
result = certificate.delete_cert(certalias: certalias)

# Delete Certificate via serial number
serial = 1234567890
result = certificate.delete_cert(certalias: serial)

# Check if a Certificate exists via Truststore alias name
certalias = 'alias_1234'
result = certificate.exists_certs(certalias: certalias)

# Check if a Certificate exists via serial number
serial = 1234567890
result = certificate.exists_certs(certalias: serial)

# Export a certificate via serial number
opts = {
  serial: 1234567890,
  truststore_password: 'admin',
result = certificate.export_certificate(opts)

# Get a Certificate via Truststore alias name
certalias = 'alias_1234'
result = certificate.get_certificate(certalias: certalias)

# Get a Certificate via serial number
serial = 1234567890
result = certificate.get_certificate(certalias: serial)

# Read certificate info provided via string
certificate_raw = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
result = certificate.read_cert_raw(certificate_raw)

# Read certificate info provided via file
file_path = '/root/cert.crt'
result = certificate.read_cert_from_file(file_path)

# Upload a certificate provided via string
certificate_raw = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
result = certificate.upload_cert_raw(certificate_raw)

# Upload a certificate provided via file
file_path = '/root/cert.crt'
result = certificate.upload_cert_from_file(file_path)

# Upload a certificate via file and wait till it is uploaded
opts = {
  _retries: {
    max_tries: 60,
    base_sleep_seconds: 2,
    max_sleep_seconds: 2
result = certificate.upload_cert_from_file_wait_until_ready(opts)

# Read certificate info provided via string and wait till it is uploaded
opts = {
  certificate_raw = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
  -----END CERTIFICATE-----'
  _retries: {
    max_tries: 60,
    base_sleep_seconds: 2,
    max_sleep_seconds: 2
result = certificate.upload_cert_raw_wait_until_ready(opts)


user = aem.user('/home/users/s/', 'someuser')

# create user
result = user.create('somepassword')

# check user's existence
result = user.exists

# set user permission
result = user.set_permission('/etc/replication', 'read:true,modify:true')

# change user password
result = user.change_password('somepassword', 'somenewpassword')

# add user to group
result = user.add_to_group('/home/groups/s/', 'somegroup')

# delete user
result = user.delete


Each of the above method calls returns a RubyAem::Result, which contains message, RubyAem::Response, and data payload. For example:

bundle = aem.bundle('')
result = bundle.stop
puts result.message
puts result.response.status_code
puts result.response.body
puts result.response.headers

Error Handling

Any API error will be thrown as RubyAem::Error .

  bundle = aem.bundle('')
  result = bundle.stop
rescue RubyAem::Error => e
  puts e.message
  puts e.result.response.status_code
  puts e.result.response.body
  puts e.result.response.headers


Integration tests require an AEM instance with Shine Solutions AEM Health Check package installed.

By default it uses AEM running on http://localhost:4502 with admin username and admin password. AEM instance parameters can be configured using environment variables aem_protocol, aem_host, aem_port, aem_username, aem_password, and aem_debug.