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Michael Shihjay Chen, MD edited this page Jan 22, 2019 · 3 revisions

The following are prerequisites to installing NOSH. These need to be installed prior to installation of NOSH. If you are installing using NOSH in a Box, you do not need to worry about this since it is automatically taken care of for you. The names of these packages vary from Linux distribution to distribution, so refer to your distribution wiki for further details on how to install them.

  1. Apache web server (needs to be running during installation)
  2. MySQL database. Make sure you remember the root password. This will be asked during the NOSH ChartingSystem installation. (needs to be running during installation)
  3. PHP 7.18 and higher
  4. The following PHP modules installed and enabled:
    cli, curl, gd, imagick, imap, mbstring, mysql, pear, soap, ssh2, xml, zip
  5. PERL
  6. Imagemagick
  7. Git
  8. SSH server

Once installed, you can proceed with the NOSH installation.

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