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Note: uses styled-components

Install the library using npm:

$ npm install styled-components
$ npm install @shelf/image-preview-overlay

Install the library using yarn:

$ yarn add styled-components
$ yarn add @shelf/image-preview-overlay


Prop Name Type Description
getImages function (optional) A function that can be used to modify preview images list. Signature: (event: ElementMouseEvent) => {src: string; alt?: string}[] | undefined
getInitialPreviewImageIndex function (optional) A function to customly choose the initial image from the list to be shown when fullview is opened
startPreviewFromTargetImage boolean (optional) Default false (always opens first image from the list). If set to true - will try to open the target image (if it is present in the list returned by getImages)
triggerProps, portalWrapperProps, imageOverlayProps HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> (optional) HTML attributes passed to the corresponding elements
imageProps HTMLAttributes<HTMLImageElement> (optional) HTML attributes passed to the fullview image element



ImagePreviewOverlay is a wrapper that renders full image preview on child image tag click

import {ImagePreviewOverlay} from '@shelf/image-preview-overlay';

// Simple usage
const Component = () => (
        <img src={''} />

// Custom getImages prop and multiple images
const Component = () => {
  const getImages = _event => [
      src: 'source-1',
      alt: 'source 1 alt',
      src: 'source-2',

  return (
    <ImagePreviewOverlay getImages={getImages}>
      <img src={'image-snippet-src'} />


$ git checkout master
$ yarn version
$ yarn publish
$ git push origin master --tags


MIT © Shelf