This web app, built with the Django framework, fetches RESTful JSON data from the Free Meal API to obtain multiple random meals and temporarily add them to an SQLite database. This culminates into a fun minigame where you guess the name of a meal by just its image.
Every correct word you guess from the meal's name gives 1 point. You have 3 chances to check how many points your guess earns before permanently submitting your guess. How many points do you think you can get?
To play the game please follow these instructions:
Before getting started, be sure to have Git and Python installed
Open up a terminal and change directory to a new, empty folder.
Clone this repository
git clone
Install the required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Rename the ".envExample" file to ".env"
Run the server and navigate to
python runserver
If you want the server to run on a different port, see here