- Patients can log in using their credentials to book an appointment
- Patients can create new accounts.
- A Patient can book an appointment at the hospital from the slots given for any day. Patient can view and cancel the appointments which are sorted by date.
- A Patient cannot book a slot booked by another patient
- Hospitals can Login to view the appointments
- Hospitals can view the details of patient who booked the appointment
- Frontend: React framework, redux for state management, styled components and material-ui for visual elements
- Backend: Nodejs, expressjs for routing, MongoDB for Database
- Clone the repository
- Go to folder APP/Server
- run command: npm install
- after installation run command: node app
- Go to folder APP/Client/hospital-appointment
- run the command: npm install
- after installation run command: npm start
For hospital Login use these credentials: email: [email protected] password: test@123