个人模板工程, 支持 iOS, andriod, web, mac, window.
flutter build ios --release --dart-define=CHANNEL=GSY --dart-define=LANGUAGE=Dart
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
├── android (包含 fastlane 打包脚本)
├── ios (包含 fastlane 打包脚本)
├── lib
│ ├── APPThemeSettings.dart (主题设置)
│ ├── basicWidget (组件封装,N开头的是稳定版,核心之一)
│ ├── cache (数据缓存和文件管理类)
│ ├── enum (枚举类型)
│ ├── eventbus (弃用)
│ ├── extension (类型功能扩展,核心之一)
│ ├── main.dart (项目入口)
│ ├── mixin (mixin 封装,通常是赋予类各种共用方法和属性,提高代码复用性,简化冗余代码)
│ ├── model (测试数据载体)
│ ├── network (网络封装)
│ ├── pages (各种 demo 演示页)
│ ├── provider (各种状态管理库测试 demo 目录)
│ ├── routes (路由管理)
│ ├── service (网络状态管理,前后台切换状态封装单例类)
│ ├── util (没有合适地方放的公用工具类)
│ └── vendor (引入的第三方及二次封装示例)
flutter pub upgrade --dry-run
flutter pub outdated
flutter pub upgrade --major-versions