I've written everything from scratch.
I try to keep script files & functions looking as native to real PowerShell commands as possible.
Help files are included in each script and can be accessed by running Get-Help.
Scripts can also be imported as modules by including their respective .psm1 and .psd1 files.
All scripts contain functions.
You can import them into your session by typing . .\ScriptName.ps1 for .ps1 files
You can import as a module by running Import-Module if including module & manifest files.
Run $env:PSModulePath
Create a directory in a module path with the same name as the module file minus the .psm1 file extension
Place module file, manifest file, and script files in that directory contained in the PSModulePath variable'
Import-Module "ModuleName" - Imports Module into session
Get-Module; Get-Command -Module "ModuleName" - Verify the Module and functions are loaded