Scripts to manage the chaincode lifecycle on the BTP platform
Usage: ./ <command> [options]
peers : Query the peers on which we can install the chaincode
orderers : Query the orderers
nodes : Query all the nodes
channels <node> : Query the channels
installed <peer> : Query installed chaincodes
approved <peer> : Query approved definition of chaincode
committed <peer> : Query commit definition of chaincode
commit-readiness <peer> : Checking commit readiness of chaincode
package : Package the chaincode
install <peer> : Install the chaincode
approve <peer> <orderer> : Approve the chaincode
commit <peer> <orderer> : Commit the chaincode
init <peer> <orderer> : Initialize the chaincode
query <peer> <function_name> [options] : Query the chaincode.
--arguments '["arg1", "arg2"]' : The regular arguments to pass to the function.
--channel <channel_name> : Optionally override the channel name.
Example: query functionName --arguments '["arg1", "arg2"]'
invoke <peer> <orderer> <function_name> [options] : Invoke a transaction on the chaincode.
--arguments '["arg1", "arg2"]' : The regular arguments to pass to the function.
--transient '{"key": "value"}' : The transient data to pass the to the function.
--channel <channel_name> : Optionally override the channel name.
Example: invoke functionName '["arg1", "arg2"]'
create-channel <orderer> <channel_name> [options] : Create a channel with the given name and options
--endorsementPolicy <MAJORITY|ALL> : Endorsement policy for the channel (default: MAJORITY)
--batchTimeoutInSeconds <seconds> : Batch timeout in seconds (default: 2)
--maxMessageCount <count> : Maximum message count (default: 500)
--absoluteMaxMB <MB> : Absolute maximum bytes (default: 10)
--preferredMaxMB <MB> : Preferred maximum bytes (default: 2)
orderer-join-channel <orderer> <channel_name> : Orderer joins a channel.
orderer-leave-channel <orderer> <channel_name> : Orderer leaves a channel.
peer-join-channel <peer> <channel_name> : Peer joins a channel.
peer-leave-channel <peer> <channel_name> : Peer leaves a channel.
-h, --help : Display this help message
You will need following environment variables
export CC_RUNTIME_LANGUAGE=node # the runtime, right now only node is supported
export CC_SRC_PATH=./dist # the path where the builded chaincode is located, this is the path that will be packeged
export CC_NAME=chaincodeName # the name of the chaincode
export CC_VERSION=1.0 # the version of the chaincode
export CC_SEQUENCE=1 # the sequence number of the chaincode
Optionally, you can set the following environment variables
export CC_INIT_FCN=InitLedger # optional name of initialization function, if not set means no initialization is needed
export CC_INIT_ARGS="[]" # optional arguments for the initialization function
export CC_COLLECTIONS_CONFIG_PATH=./collections_config.json # optional path of the collections config, can be used to configure PDC
export CC_CHANNEL="mychannel" # optional override the channel to work on, by default this will be "default-channel"