A ToDo List is a list of tasks that you need to complete, or things that you want to do. Most typically, they are organised in order of priority.
- Add an item to the list.
- Mark an item as completed.
- Delete an item from the list.
ToDoList (root)
| -ToDoList
| |-ClientApp
| |-src
| |-features
| |-todo
| |-Controllers
| | -ToDoController.cs
| |-Services
| | -IToDoService.cs
| | -ToDoService.cs
| |-Models
| | -ToDoItem.cs
| |-ToDoServiceTests.cs
Note: It's require to clone the project in local machine.
git clone https://github.com/senal/ToDoList.git
- Build the project locally. Make sure no build errors. Note that this action may take several minutes as it's required to download all the dependent node modules.
- Hit F5 to run the project in IIS Express.
Note: Assume the docker desktop installed on the local machine.
- Make sure the build succeeded.
- move into ToDoList\ToDoList folder.
- run
docker build -t my/todolist .
upon success, run the following command
docker run -d -p 5000:80 my/todolist todolist
- Open a browser, type localhost:5000 to view the application running in Docker container.
- Make sure the build succeeded.
- Move into ToDoList\ToDoList.Tests project and run the following command
dotnet test