is no longer maintained, please use the newer and faster implementation of this package instead: isoreader
If you still want to use isoread you can install it from GitHub but we do not guarantee it works in future versions of R and its dependencies.
Hadley Wickham's devtools package provides a convenient way of installing R
packages directly from GitHub. To install devtools, run the following from the R command line:
install.packages('devtools', depen=T)
Then simply install isoread directly from GitHub by running the following code (if it is the first time you install the isoread package, all missing dependencies will be automatically installed as well + their respective dependencies, which might take a minute, except for the isotopia package which is not on CRAN and requires manual installation - see code below):
install_github('isoverse/isotopia', build_vignettes = TRUE)
install_github('sebkopf/isoread', build_vignettes = TRUE)