First offered Winter 2018 at Seattle CoderDojo (
Thanks to for hosting.
The content here is divided into 5 classroom sessions of approximately 100 minutes each (2 hours minus 10 minutes on each side).
Set up your development environment. Learn some basics about JavaScript, game development, and the Phaser platform.
Improve your mastery of getting and using player input, randomness, arrays, manipulating screen elements. Play the demo.
Improve your mastery of animation, sprite sheets, and collisions.
Learn about tracking and moving a whole crowd of enemies, sprite groups, group collisions, and making explosions.
Finishing up Dojo Invaders (or Alien Shootz), with scorekeeping, levels, the aliens fighting back, and showing off some student games in class.
Finished during Spring break for the Dojo. Adding bunkers and making it possible for the bombs and missiles to blow off chunks of them. Play the final version of the game.