An introduction for full stack web development: build a website and some services it can consume.
We will be developing our websites on Go to now and sign up for an account. They're free.
We'll go through some basics of HTML, build a simple "About Me" web page to practice, and add a little JavaScript to it for fun.
If you already know the basics of JavaScript and just want to get to building back-end stuff, you can skip this week. We'll start working with Express next week.
Now that we've made an "about me" page and learned some HTML, let's learn a little about Node.js and JavaScript so we can start building our members page.
Let's learn about sessions so we can keep track of information about the viewer of the page and how we can use that information to keep them out... or let them in.
Let's learn about how to create a database table, store information in it, and check that information when we need to. We'll create our user database, add our admin user, and then set up a login page so you can login as admin.
Last week spent a lot of time on database stuff. Now let's use that stuff. Add a page to add & delete user accounts for your friends. Then add a message database for the members section for a members-only chat feature.