Libres is a reservations management library to reserve things like tables at a restaurant or tickets at an event. It works with Python 3.8+ and requires Postgresql 9.1+.
Documentation | Source | Bugs
This library is at an experimental stage and not yet suitable for production
Go to examples/flask and install the requirements:
cd examples/flask pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the example:
Open http://localhost:5000 and click around.
Install tox and run it:
pip install tox tox-uv tox
Limit the tests to a specific python version:
tox -e py311
Libres follows PEP8 as close as possible. To test for it run:
tox -e ruff,flake8
Libres uses Semantic Versioning
Go to docs and install the requirements:
cd docs pip install -r requirements.txt
Build the docs:
make html
Open the docs:
open build/html/index.html
Make sure all changes are in the HISTORY.rst, then bump the version:
bump-my-version bump major|minor|patch git push && git push --tags
After this, create a new release on Github.