released this
03 Jul 16:53
6fc136f *rebased *all generate stmt functions moved into jobs package
b618aef *solved changes requests
ed1d71a *updated scylla version in docker-compose.yml from 4:0:0 to 5.3.0-rc0. Reason: error 'bad_alloc'
713e574 Merge pull request #330 from scylladb/dk/fix-gen_check_and_ddl_stmt-make_it_testable
8794c6a Merge pull request #331 from scylladb/dk/add_columns_remove
9bb6ca1 Merge pull request #332 from scylladb/dk/optimize_generator
1d44da1 Merge pull request #333 from scylladb/dk/fix-gen_stmt-add_tests
d14ec58 Merge pull request #337 from scylladb/dk/321-fixcreateroutingkey-should-work-with-type_time
4be5d1f Merge pull request #338 from scylladb/dk/add_linters
3689e8b Merge pull request #339 from scylladb/dk/fix-gen_check-split_functions_mv_not_mv
00a9889 Merge pull request #341 from scylladb/dk/upadate_scylla_image_version
7f123a8 Merge pull request #342 from scylladb/dk/move_gen_stmt_funcs_into_jobs
d287da2 Merge pull request #344 from illia-li/il/fix-indexes-remove_dependence_from_columns_idx
81d524e Merge pull request #347 from scylladb/346-make-validation-retry-on-selectfrommaterializedviewstatementtype-operation
ad3f856 Merge pull request #350 from illia-li/il/fix-gen_ddl_stmt-add_valid_columns_for_drop_column
2a1bb3b Merge pull request #357 from illia-li/il/fix-gen_udt_columns
ccf22af Release v1.8.3
40cabe6 feat(cicd): add linters and address them
080b201 feat(gemini): add profiling option
4921a68 feat(generators): add tests for genCheckStmt and GenDDLStmt functions
20cccbd fix indexes *add '*ColumnDef' in 'IndexDef' type instead of 'ColumnIdx' and 'Type'
018ec2c fix(GenDDLStmt) column drops should be with conditions *added preselect columns that can be dropped for 'genDropColumnStmt' function
28478f6 fix(bagtype): fix cqlpretty for list kind
cfbf0fd fix(coltypes): align imports
51b92e8 fix(columns): add remove method
1523b20 fix(docker-compose): fix oracle
0ffe07f fix(docker-compose): increase scylla memory
789d5cb fix(gemini): make it properly work for UDTs
73f64f2 fix(generator): pause generator when partitions are full
c5078d1 fix(generator): reimplement genMultiplePartitionClusteringRangeQueryMv
b7de474 fix(generator): reuse items refered by idx more than once
f3a9206 fix(generator): split functions into one that works with tables and ones that works with mview
99f26b0 fix(generators): all randoms moved to upper functions
3ff0fb5 fix(generators): introduce function that runs the test
4e509cf fix(generators): make TYPE_TIME to generate int64 instead of time.Time
5fc5cb6 fix(generators): make createPartitionKeyValues preallocate array
eb92080 fix(generators): reimplement genMultiplePartitionClusteringRangeQuery
a0d94fe fix(go.mod): go mod tidy
fae0915 fix(jobs): make validation retry on SelectFromMaterializedViewStatementType
c93899e fix(jobs): update TestGenMultiplePartitionClusteringRangeQueryMv test
10adb28 fix(makefile): make test work
b0d7227 fix(pkgs): move all the code from testschema to typedef
9f7344d fix(scripts): align scylla and gemini performance
249fecf fix( split it into multiple files
53f384b fix(testschema): make tests work
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