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Releases: scriptex/itcss

Updated metadata

14 Sep 08:05
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This release doesn't introduce any significant code changes except for adding of justify-content: space-between to the .o-shell--flex selector.
The rest of the updates are related to metadata and demo.

Updated flexbox mixins

07 Jan 07:53
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This release updates the already existing flexbox mixins and introuduces several new ones.

For more information, please refer to the documentation

Update PostCSS plugins

17 Nov 12:36
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This release removes the usage of postcss-preset-env and starts using postcss-color-mod-function and autoprefixer instead.

Fix issue with postcss-extend in a nested postcss-each

09 Mar 14:28
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This issue fixes an issue with postcss-extend using in a nested postcss-each.

Native smooth anchor scrolling

01 Feb 07:58
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This release adds support for native smooth anchor scrolling.
It also updates the versions of all peer dependencies.

Unpin peer dependencies' versions

02 Dec 07:20
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This release unpins the versions of the package's peer dependencies.

Improved grid

18 Nov 13:51
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This release

  1. Removes the modifier classnames for grid items (.o-grid__item--1of2 and such) and instead introduces a new grid system based on variables. The variables are explained and demoed in the README.


  1. Introduces several new variables:
  • --gap - used to define the spacing between grid items and floated elements
  • --columns - used to define the columns in the new grid
  • --shell-gap - used to define the right and left padding of the o-shell object
  • --breakpoints - list of prefixes for media queries used to build the responsive helper classes
  • --displays - list of display properties used to build the responsive helper classes
  • --alignments - list of text-align properties used to build the text alignment utilities.
  1. Adds new clear utility classes for clearing after floats: clear, clear-left and clear-right
  2. Adds a new display mixin.

User preferences media queries

10 Sep 11:57
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This release introduces media queries for user preferences: @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) and @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce).
This release improves the usage details and documentation.

Remove nesting in lists nested in navs

12 Jun 09:39
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Remove nesting in lists nested in navs

Update media queries

12 Jun 09:36
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This release takes care of correct transpiling of media queries.
Due to a bug in the postcss-preset-env package, the postcss-custom-media packages was installed.
This release also takes care of fixing and correcting the format of the hover media query.