aims to be a starting point for domain specific, typed lambda calculi.
It is inspired by David Himmelstrup's fvg,
Sean Lee's hylogen and
Stephen Diehl's amazing "Write You a Haskell" series.
It uses an interesting cofree approach to type inference inspired by
Brian McKenna and is largely
based on the papers "Generalizing Hindley-Milner type Inference Algorithms" by
Heeren, Hage and Swierstra
I aim to make the language extensible with domain specific parsers, primitives and
code generators. The goal is to make px
be the main ingredient in a bunch of
little functional languages.
This project started as a way for me to learn about TAPL and to address my gripes with shader languages. It's been sitting on my hardrive untouched for over a year now and I figured I should get it out in public before it gets lost. It is not in a usable state, though it may compile and it may pass tests. The goals are lofty and unatainable with my current availability for OSS. It could be a fun study though!
These aren't functional yet, but there an example of what I'd like the language to look like in different domains (it's basically Haskell).
Coloring a canvas in WASM:
munchingSquares :: Vector Word4
munchingSquares = do
x <- range 0 255
y <- range 0 255
return $ xor x y
main :: WASM ()
main = do
-- Make the canvas and set the pixels
c <- newCanvas 256 256
setPixels c munchingSquares
-- Add it to the DOM
b <- body =<< document
appendChild b c
Coloring a canvas in WASM:
- ML syntax
- let expressions
- indentation-sensitive parsing
- pattern matching
- case expressions
- custom data types
- type classes
- user defined primitives
- user defined mixfix operators
- user defined sugar
- repl for evaluating expressions at the command line
- hendley-milner type inference
- wasm codegen
- spir-v codegen
These are bookmarked links from my browser that are on topic: