These are the Eclipse projects used to build the GNU MCU Eclipse plug-ins.
For new installs, the preferred method is via GNU MCU Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers , which packs the official Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers release with all GNU MCU Eclipse plug-ins already installed.
For existing Eclipse instances, the recommended install method is via Eclipse Marketplace; search for GNU MCU Eclipse.
- Stable:
This is the official release; it is also referred by the Eclipse Marketplace and the same content is packed as Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers. - Pre-release versions:
Usually this site should be safe to use, but use it with caution. - Experimental versions:
Sometimes you can use this site to test some features that are not completely implemented, or that might change before a final version is released.
Note: This site is not always updated; use it carefully, back up your workspace, and do not use it for production projects.
- JavaSE-1.8
- Maven 3
$ git clone --branch=master --recurse-submodules eclipse-plugins.git
$ cd eclipse-plugins.git
$ mvn clean verify
The result is a p2 repository:
Note: in some older versions, maven complained something about local artefacts; in case this happens, add -Dtycho.localArtifacts=ignore
when invoking maven.
The Eclipse build is described in the project web.
The minimum requirements for running the GNU MCU Eclipse plug-ins are:
- JavaSE-1.8-111 or later
- CDT 9.2.1 (Neon.3)
- JavaSE-1.8-111 or later
- Eclipse Neon.3
- use tabs, at 4
- code line size: 120 chars
- comments line size: 80 chars
Currently these settings are provided by the default Eclipse Java formatter.
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute].