A set of tools to propagate and visualize orbits, and obtain access intervals for satellites and ground stations. Based on satellite-tools, Orekit and Cesium.
Just deploy the server:
node server.js
And access the service in your browser. It defaults to:
You should see the following interface:
Just paste the TLE on the textarea, or insert the 6 classical orbital elements and press "Propagate from TLE" or "Propagate from Elements" accordingly. Use the true anomaly for the 6th element. Propagation time-span defaults to the present day, you can change it using the ISO8601 format. Propagation step determines the interval for the coordinates you will obtain. Minimum is 1 second.
Display coordinates are:
- ECI: Earth Centered Inertial coordinates on UTC-GMT, in CSV format
- ECEF: Earth Centered Earth Fixed coordinates on UTC-GMT, in CSV format
- JSON-ECI: Earth Centered Inertial coordinates on JSON format
You can obtain access intervals from a station to a satellite, just add the station using the following format:
Latitude (in degrees), Longitude (in degrees), height (in meters)
On the designated space. Then press "Compute access intervals". After some time, depending on your configurations, you should see the output on the tab Access intervals, in CSV format: