- This project aims to find a solution for managing project related activity in a branch (ISE/CSE) .
- This project will help people to create anew project and ask people to join in .
- It also has a option to create blogs and share knowledge .
- It recommends the matching projects and blogs based on your interests.
- It automatically tags topic whenerver you submit a project.
- It gives overall trends such as which field is trending and how much new things are coming to it.
- This project does recommendations and topic classification
- For recommendation we collects likes of people in past as data and match the items using cosine similarity.
- For topic classification we use naive bayes algorithm on a vector of words also called as bag of words
- We have used Django in the backend and Postgresql as database.
- Django ORM used for interacting with database and Django Template langauge for displaying the contents to user.
- Trends in a particular filed is calculated using z-score
- bootstrap-4 used for design of website and Django Template langauge for displaying the contents to user.