Personal Blog Website Hosted on AWS
Step 1 : Build my blog site in HTML with CSS.
Step 2 : Created an S3 bucket to store portfolio files.
Step 3 : Create Route53 Hosted zone and add copy NS records. Next, paste the ns record domain provider nameservers section.
Step 4 : Next, go to the S3 bucket and enable Static website hosting, and map the Index document and Error document.
Step 5 : Requested a public certificate for your domain in AWS Certificate Manager(ACM).
Step 6 : Setup a CloudFront Distribution. Select S3 Static website hosting bucket endpoint and ACM public certificate.
Step 7 : Next, create a Lambda function for the Visitor Count display. Used Python 3.9 runtime.
Step 8 : Created DynamoDB table for Visitor count.
Step 9 : Created APIGateway REST API and Invoke Lambda function.
Step 10 : Create a git repository and push code.
Step 11 : Create GitHub Actions for deploying S3 static website files and Lambda function codes.
Step 12 : Finally, Push the latest release to Github.