To run locally, or even remotely manually, follow the instruction below. You will need a file set up with the necessary environment variables. Let's call this values-dev.yaml:
helm install --values values-dev.yaml tolqc-app
To run the app on a Docker container, first you will need to set up a file with the necessary environment variables. Let's call this (there is a template file .env.template you can use as a template!). Then, execute the following from the root directory:
# running the app (devlopment) - N.B. database will need initialising
docker-compose --env-file up --build --abort-on-container-exit tolqc-api tolqc-ui tolqc-db
# Running API tests
docker-compose --env-file up --build --abort-on-container-exit tolqc-api-test
# Running UI tests (watch mode)
docker-compose --env-file up --build --abort-on-container-exit tolqc-ui-test
Everything for staging and prod is built/tested/deployed via GitLab. Commit to the staging or production branch to trigger the pipeline.