Releases: sandyh90/rockstream-streaming-relay
RockStream v1.0.5
What's Changed
- Fix error in modal view function in diagnostic menu
- Add retry function in diagnostic menu
- Remove default countdown video (Now you must enter video of countdown if you want use countdown)
- Add support dark mode
- Add utility function "alertValidation()" for iterate form validation in server side
- Change stream key length validation and migration limit (Now limit stream key is 500)
- Premiere streaming daemon auto close if no queue available
- Add showing progress percent and estimated time in premiere streaming daemon
- Fixing some bug found
Note: If you install rockstream-restream-app-setup.exe , after installation i suggested you delete folder "rockstream-stream-repeater-updater" in folder C:\Users\<your_pc_username>\AppData\Local
to free up space your storage because for now this program doesn't need auto updater system.
RockStream v1.0.4
What's Changed
- Improve reset app console command
- Added clear all for failed queue jobs
- Fix validation messages not showing on the edit premiere queue
- Fix PHP FFmpeg error if using h264_nvenc encoder cause some Nvidia GPU is not supported multiple reference frames are not supported in premiere video queue system
- Remove options
-preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency
cause some encoders do not support it or that options are not available in some settings in the test streaming queue system - Added stop function for Nginx in reset app and turn off Nginx service if application resetting
- Added a convenient way to set Time Zone and shift the time based on that Time Zone in the premiere video
- Revert change javascript code in function check_stream_preview for showing waiting data from the encoder
Note: If you install rockstream-restream-app-setup.exe , after installation i suggested you delete folder "rockstream-stream-repeater-updater" in folder C:\Users\<your_pc_username>\AppData\Local
to free up space your storage because for now this program doesn't need auto updater system.
RockStream v1.0.3 Rev-1
What's Changed
7-8-2022 (Revision 1)
- Change stream key length validation and migration limit (Now limit stream key is 355)
- Added reset app console command (Optional)
Note: If you install rockstream-restream-app-setup.exe , after installation i suggested you delete folder "rockstream-stream-repeater-updater" in folder C:\Users\<your_pc_username>\AppData\Local
to free up space your storage because for now this program doesn't need auto updater system.
RockStream v1.0.3
What's Changed
- Admin now can use custom paths for binary like PHP, FFmpeg, and NGINX if you have a newer version of that binary
- Added schedule premiere video function
- Now Preview Live in the dashboard can be disabled from the Interface Settings page in the section of app settings
- Added Plyr video player with hls.js implementation
- Added diagnostic page
- Now premiere video daemon is separated instances by each user
- Added setup step process before using the application
- Added feature that user can select video resolution type for premiere video
- Added setting app function in interface settings
- Change the layout of some pages and modal
- Installation is now only installed in the current user, Unlike before the release version has two options setup.
Note: If you install rockstream-restream-app-setup.exe , after installation i suggested you delete folder "rockstream-stream-repeater-updater" in folder C:\Users\<your_pc_username>\AppData\Local
to free up space your storage because for now this program doesn't need auto updater system.
RockStream v1.0.2
What's Changed
- Added countdown video feature in premiere video and can choose wanna use default countdown video or custom countdown video
- Hide CMD window show up during start or stop, reload RTMP config, auto-reload RTMP config server
- Added Livestreaming Analytics feature to see metadata or connection from streaming
- For now Google Icons is removed and changed to Bootstrap Icons
- Added live streaming test tool in the interface menu
- Added dynamic platform selector and server platform selector
- Added user management for a multi-user account
- Added interface setting page
- Moving reset app function from account setting to interface setting and only access by operator only
- Change premiere video function before it uses "system()" that needs open cmd window to process to now use PHP-FFMPEG dependency library
- Added force status function offline for premiere video and input stream, that could be useful if status both of them are in a stuck state and cannot change correctly
- Added implementation to electron app for easy access and run (Now Only For Windows)
- (rockstream-restream-app-setup.exe) installer that needs admin rights to open software because this can install for all users or current user.
- (rockstream-restream-app-user-setup.exe) installer without need admin rights to open software because this is only installed in the current user.
Note: If you install from rockstream-restream-app-setup.exe or rockstream-restream-app-user-setup.exe, after install i suggested you to delete folder "rockstream_stream_repeater-updater" in folder C:\Users\<your_pc_username>\AppData\Local
to free up space your storage because for now this program doesn't need auto updater system.
RockStream v1.0.1
What's Changed
- Upgrade Laravel Framework to version 9
- Upgrade Nginx version to version 1.21.7
- Add premiere video feature
- Remove video.js and change to hls.js because sometime video.js cannot captured error exactly if live has ended
- Feature disable all input now only disable if where is_live are in FALSE condition so it can't interrupt if there have some live are in active and prevent error
- Optimize application performance
- ( Base Application include module
- ( Separate module for multi purpose without base application