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Hyku Test Plan
Kirk Wang edited this page Jan 3, 2024
4 revisions
- Global Index / Institution List Page
- Global Administrator / User Login Page
- Global Sign Up Page
- Global Forgot your Password? Page
- Change your password page
- Global Tenant Accounts Index Page (Admin only)
- Global Tenant Account New Page (Admin only)
- Global Tenant Account Manage Page (Admin only)
- Global Tenant Account Edit Page (Admin only)
- Global Users Index Page (Admin only)
- Global Users New Page (Admin only)
- Global Users Manage Page (Admin only)
- Global Users Edit Page (Admin only)
- Homepage
- Contact Page
- Catalog (Search Results) Page
- Collection Show Page
- Work Show Page
- FileSet Show Page
- Dashboard Page
- Dashboard Page (Admin)
- Profile Page
- Profile Edit Page
- Notifications Page
- Transfers Page
- Manage Proxies Page
- Dashboard My Collections Index Page
- Dashboard Collection New Page
- Dashboard Collection Edit Page
- Dashboard Collection Show Page
- Dashboard My Works Index Page
- Dashboard Works New by Batch Page
- Dashboard Work New Page
- Dashboard Work Edit Page
- Review Submissions Page
- Manage Users Page
- Manage Groups Index Page
- Manage Groups New Page
- Manage Groups Edit Page
- Manage Embargoes Index Page
- Manage Embargoes Edit Page
- Manage Embargoes Deactivate Page
- Manage Leases Index Page
- Manage Leases Edit Page
- Manage Leases Deactivate Page
- Settings → Labels Page
- Settings → Appearance Page
- Settings → Collection Types Index Page
- Settings → Collection Types New Page
- Settings → Collection Types Edit Page
- Settings → Pages Page
- Settings → Content Block
- Settings → Features Page
- Workflow Roles Page
- I can see a list of each institution
- Each institution has a display of their theme logo (or a placeholder if there is no logo)
- I can click on the link for each institution, which directs me to the tenant for that institution
- I can click on the link to Administrator login (in the footer), which directs me to the Log in form
- I can select my preferred language from the Language dropdown menu
- Selecting a language only sets the language for the current site, not for each of the individual tenants
- I can see a list of each institution
- Each institution has a display of their theme logo (or a placeholder if there is no logo)
- I can click on the link for each institution, which directs me to the tenant for that institution
- I can click Logout, which logs me out and directs me back to the Global Index page
- I can select my preferred language from the Language dropdown menu
- Selecting a language only sets the language for the current site, not for each of the individual tenants
- I can click on Accounts, which directs me to the Accounts page for the tenants
- I can click on Users, which directs me to the Manage Users page for the users
- I can see a form to enter an email and password
- The form validates the format of my email
- The form will only submit successfully if my account already exists
- I can check/uncheck a Remember me box
- When this box is checked, my username will be saved on the form the next time I log in
- I can click Log in, which logs me in and directs me to the Global Index page
- I can click on the link to Sign up, which directs me to the Create a new account form
- I can click on the link to Forgot your password?, which directs me to the Forgot your password? form
- I can see a form to Create a new account that validates the following inputs:
- Your Name
- Email Address
- Password
- Password confirmation
- The form will not submit if any of the inputs is missing or invalid
- I can click Create account, which registers me as a new user and directs me to the Global Index page
- I can click on the link to Log in, which directs me to the Log in form
- I can click on the link to Forgot your password?, which directs me to the Forgot your password? form
- I can click on the link to Administrator login (in the footer), which directs me to the Log in form
- I can see a form with an input for my Email
- The form will not submit if the Email is empty or improperly formatted
- The form will only submit if an account with my email already exists
- I can click Send me reset password instructions, which sends me an email with instructions for resetting my password
- When I receive my password reset email, I can click on the link to “Change my password”, which directs me to the Change your password form
- Found in https://mailtrap.io/inboxes
- When I receive my password reset email, I can click on the link to “Change my password”, which directs me to the Change your password form
- I can click on the link to Log in, which directs me to the Log in form
- I can click on the link to Sign up, which directs me to the Create your account form
- I can click on the link to Administrator login (in the footer), which directs me to the Log in form
- I can see a form to change my password
- There is a field for New password
- There is a field for Confirm new password
- The form will not submit if the password is too short or if the password fields do not match
- I can click Change my password, which sets my new password and directs me to the Global Index page
- I can click on the link to Log in, which directs me to the Log in form
- I can click on the link to Sign up, which directs me to the Create your account form
- I can click on the link to Administrator login (in the footer), which directs me to the Log in form
- If I try to access this page (as a non logged-in admin), I am redirected to the Log in page with a flash message saying “You are not authorized to access this page.”
- I can see a table listing all of the tenant accounts, including their:
- Cname
- Actions (Manage, Edit, Delete)
- I can click Manage, which directs me to the Manage Account page
- I can click Edit, which directs me to the Editing Account form
- I can click Delete, which removes that tenant account
- I can filter through the tenant accounts using the search bar
- I can click Create a new account, which directs me to the Create a new repository form
- I can see a form to create a new tenant account
- There is a field for Short name (Cname)
- The form will not submit if the input is empty or invalid
- I can click Save, which saves the new tenant and directs me to the Manage Account form
- I can click on the link to Cancel, which directs me back to the tenant Accounts page
- I can see the Cname of the tenant account I selected to manage
- I can click Edit Account, which directs me to the Editing Account form
- I can see a form to invite new administrators to this specific tenant account via email
- The form will not submit if the input is empty or invalid
- The entered email does not have to be linked to an existing account in order to be submitted successfully
- I can click Add, which adds the user to the list of Current Account Administrators
- I can click Cancel, which directs me to the tenant Accounts page
- I can see a list of admin users for that tenant account under the Current Account Administrators tab
- I can click Remove, which removes the admin user from that tenant
- I can see a list of all users under the All Users tab
- I can click Add, which adds the user to the Current Account Administrators
- I can check/uncheck a box for Is public
- When this box is checked, the tenant is visible to the public from the Global Index page
- I can see a form that contains the following attributes (and corresponding values) of the selected Tenant account:
- Tenant UUID (Non-modifiable) (required)
- Tenant CNAME (required)
- Solr Endpoint URL
- Fedora Endpoint URL
- Fedora Endpoint Base Path
- I can click Save changes, which saves my changes and directs me to the Manage Account page
- I can click Cancel, which directs me to the tenant Accounts page
- I can see a table listing all users across all tenants
- The following attributes of each user are displayed in separate columns:
- Display name
- Department
- Title
- Affiliation
- Superadmin
- Actions (Manage, Edit, Become, Delete)
- I can click Manage, which directs me to the Manage User page
- I can click Edit, which directs me to the Edit User form
- I can click Become, which signs me out of my account and into the account of that user
- I can click Delete, which removes that user
- I can filter through users using the search box
- I can click Create New, directing me to the Create a new user form
- I see a form where I can assign attributes and create a new user
- The form will fail to submit if any of the entered attributes are invalid
- I can click Save, which saves the new user and directs me back to the Manage Users page
- I can click Cancel, which directs me back to the Manage Users page
- I can check the box to assign/unassign the superadmin role
- When this box is checked, the user has the privileges of a superadmin
- I can click Update, which saves the changes and directs me back to the Manage Users page
- I can click Cancel, which directs me back to the Manage Users page
- I can click Edit, which directs me to the Edit User form
- I can see a form to edit attributes of the selected user
- Display Name is filled in
- Email address is filled in
- I can click Save changes, which saves my changes and directs me back to the Manage Users page
- I can click Cancel, directing me back to the Manage Users page
- I can click Login, which directs me to the Log in form
- If I’m signed in, instead of the Login button I see my account’s display name (email address if display name isn’t present)
- I can select my preferred language from the Language dropdown menu
- Selecting a language sets that language for the entire tenant
- I can click on the links to the Home, About, Help, Contact and Terms of Use static pages, directing me to their respective pages
- I can search the Work / Collection metadata from the search bar
- If signed in, I can filter the search results using the dropdown adjacent to the Go button (All of Hyku Commons, My Works, My Collections)
- I can click Share Your Work, which directs me to the Log in form if I am not logged in
- If I am already logged in, I am directed to the work creation form
- I can click on the Featured Works tab, which displays the works that have been featured*
- I can click on the Recently Uploaded tab, which displays the works that were recently uploaded*
- I can click on the Explore Collections tab, which displays a list of collections*
- I can click on the Featured Researcher tab, which displays the researcher who has been featured*
- I can click View all collections, which directs me to the Collections index page
- Only applies to objects I am authorized to view
- I can see a notice above the form describing the kind of things to submit a Contact Form for
- I can select an option from the Issue Type dropdown menu:
- Depositing content
- Making changes to my content
- Browsing and searching
- Reporting a problem
- General inquiry or request
- I can click Send to send the Contact Form
- Form won’t send successfully if any of the fields are invalid
- I can see a search bar
- I can customize the search results by selecting different filters (Sort by, number of records per page, layout)
- I can click Start Over, removing all active filters
- If there are multiple pages, I can see a pagination menu at the bottom of the page
- I can limit my search by selecting from the metadata dropdown menus on the left
- I can see the title of my collection along with some basic info (Visibility, Last Updated, etc)
- I can see a Collection Details table displaying collection-specific metadata
- I can see a section displaying the collection’s description along with its representative media
- I can search for records within this collection from the search bar
- I can see a list containing all works within this collection
- I can filter through these works in various ways (Sort by, Results per page, Layout)
- I can see the title of the work (as well as its visibility, deposited status, etc)
- I can see a IIIF media viewer
- I can see any relationships the work may have
- I can see a list of metadata specific to the work
- I can click on the social media icons to share the work on various social media platforms
- I can select a Citation to download from the Citations dropdown menu (EndNote, Zotero, Mendeley)
- I can see an Items table containing all the files associated with the work
- I can see basic information for each item in the table (thumbnail, title, date uploaded, visibility, actions)
- I can select an action from the Select an action dropdown menu
- Edit
- Versions
- Delete
- Download
- I can also see buttons with actions related to the individual work:
- Edit
- Delete
- Attach Child
- Attach Work
- Attach Image
- Add to Collection
- Feature (only if the work is set to Public visibility)
- I can see the file’s title, thumbnail and visibility
- I can download the file from the Download Image link
- I can see a table of File Details displaying basic information regarding the file
- I can see a table of User Activity relating to the depositor / file
- I can see icons to share the file on various social media platforms
- I can click Edit this File to edit the file
- I can click Delete this File to delete the file
- I can generate single-use download links by clicking Single-Use Link to File
- I can see recent activity from my account
- I can see any notifications associated with my account
- I can see any current proxies I have
- I can see both sent and received transfer of ownership requests
- In the sidebar, I can see options/dropdown menus for
- Activity
- Repository Activity
- Activity Summary
- Your Activity
- Profile
- Notifications
- Transfers
- Manage Proxies
- Repository Activity
- Repository Contents
- Collections
- Works
- Importers
- Exporters
- Activity
- I can see various site statistics, including:
- Stats on number of users & visitors
- Recent activity on Administrative Sets
- User activity, Repository Growth, Repository Objects
- In the sidebar, I can see options/dropdowns for
- Activity
- Repository Activity
- Activity Summary
- System Status
- Your activity
- Profile
- Notifications
- Transfers
- Manage Proxies
- Reports
- Repository Activity
- Repository Contents
- Collections
- Works
- Importers
- Exporters
- Tasks
- Review Submissions
- Manage Users
- Manage Groups
- Manage Embargoes
- Manage Leases
- Configuration
- Settings
- Account
- Labels
- Appearance
- Collection Types
- Pages
- Content Blocks
- Features
- Available Work Types
- Workflow Roles
- Settings
- Activity
- I can see the date that I joined the site
- I can click on the link to Collections Created, directing me to a search results page of all of the collections that I have created
- To the right, I can see the number of collections I have created
- I can click on the Works Created link, directing me to a search results page of all of the works that I have created
- To the right, I can see the number of works I have created
- Under Works created I can see
- The number of Views
- The number of Downloads
- I can see the email associated with my account
- I can click Edit Profile, directing me to the Edit Profile form \
- I can see a form to update my profile with the following inputs:
- File input for profile picture
- Delete picture checkbox
- If this is checked, the profile picture is removed
- ORCID profile
- Twitter handle
- Facebook handle
- Google+ handle
- I can click Save Profile, which saves my information and directs me to the Profile page
- I can click Delete All, deleting all of my notifications
- I can see a table listing all notifications associated with my account with the following attributes:
- Date
- Subject
- Message
- I can delete individual notifications by clicking on the trash icon to the right
- I can filter through my notifications using the search bar
- I can see the total number of notifications
- I can see a pagination menu on the bottom right
- I can see all my Transfers Sent
- Title
- Date
- To
- Status
- Pending Sent transfers can be cancelled by the sender before transfer request is accepted
- Comments
- I can see all my Transfers Received
- Contains same table columns as Transfers Sent, except “To” has been replaced with “From”
- Status actions include:
- Accept
- Allow depositor to retain edit access
- Remove depositor access
- Authorize depositor as proxy
- Reject
- Accept
- Status actions include:
- Contains same table columns as Transfers Sent, except “To” has been replaced with “From”
- I can see a short description of what proxies are and how they work
- I see a search dropdown filter to find users I want to Authorize Proxies for my account
- I can see a list of all Current Proxies I have active on my account
- I can see a Delete Proxy button to remove an active proxy
- I can see the number of collections I own in the repository
- I can see a button to add a New Collection
- I can see several dropdowns to filter through collections
- I can see a search bar to search for specific collections
- I can see a table listing all collections I have permission to manage
- I can see basic information re. each individual collection:
- Title
- Type
- Visibility
- Items
- Last modified
- Actions (View, Edit, Delete, Add to collection)
- I can see a form to fill out basic information describing my new Collection
- Title (required)
- Abstract or Summary
- I can see a button to display Additional fields for which to further describe my collection
- I can see links to Add another input for most descriptors
- I can see links to Remove additional fields
- I can see a Save button to create my new collection
- I can see a link to Cancel my new Collection and redirect me back to the dashboard my collections index page
- I can see a partial to alter / add to my collection’s descriptors
- I can see a dropdown from which I can select a thumbnail for my collection
- I can see a button for Additional fields
- I can see links to Add another input for most descriptors
- I can see links to Remove additional fields
- I can see a button to Save my changes
- I can see a link to Cancel my edits, redirecting me to the Dashboard Collection’s show page
- I can see a description of how to add optional branding elements to my collection
- I can see a button to upload a Banner image
- I can see a link to Remove an uploaded Banner image
- I can see a button to upload a Logo image
- I can see an input to add a Link URL
- I can see an input to add Alt Text
- I can see a link to Remove an uploaded Logo image
- I can see a button to Save my changes
- I can see a link to Cancel my edits, which redirects me back to the Dashboard Collection show page
- I can see an explanation of the different kinds of Discovery options
- I can see three radio buttons to set the Visibility of my collection to:
- Public
- Institution
- Private
- I can see a button to Save my changes
- I can see a link to Cancel my edits, which redirects me back to the Dashboard Collection show page
- I can see a form to share my collection with specific groups and / or users
- I can see a list of users / groups that I’ve shared my collection with as managers
- I can see a list of users / groups that I’ve shared my collection with as depositors
- I can see a list of users / groups that I’ve shared my collection with as viewers
- I can see Remove buttons to remove individual users / groups from my collection
- I can see a button to Save my changes
- I can see a link to Cancel my edits, which redirects me back to the Dashboard Collection show page
- I can see the name of my collection, its visibility, and its collection type
- I can see buttons to Edit collection, Add to collection, and Delete collection
- I can see my collection’s representative media
- I can see a link to the public view of the collection
- I can see a table of the collection’s metadata
- I can see a search bar to search subcollections & works within the collection
- I can see a list of all the Subcollections within the collection
- I can see a button to add a collection as a subcollection
- I can see a link to create a new collection as a subcollection
- I can see a link with all the Works within the collection
- I can see a button to create a work through the collection
- I can see a link to add an existing work to the collection
- I can see a button to remove an individual work from the collection
- I can see a button to Create a batch of works
- I can see a button to Add a new work
- I can see the total number of works I own in the repository
- I can see several dropdowns to sort through my works
- I can see a search bar to search through my works
- I can see a list of all the works I own in the repository and some basic information of each:
- Title
- Date Added
- Highlighted
- Visibility
- Actions (Edit Work, Delete Work, Highlight Work on Profile, Transfer Ownership of Work)
- In a sidebar:
- I can see a list of requirements for creating the new batch work:
- Describe your work
- Add files
- Check deposit agreement
- I can set my created works’ visibility
- Public
- Institution
- Embargo
- Lease
- Private
- I can see a list of requirements for creating the new batch work:
- I can see a button to Add files
- I can see a button to Add folder
- Once I’ve added a file, I can set the display label and resource type associated with that file
- I can see a button to set all files’ resource type to the selected resource type
- I can see a button to delete an individual file as to not add it to the work
- I can see three required fields to describe my works:
- Creator
- Keyword
- Rights Statement
- I can see a button to display Additional fields to describe my works with
- I can see a dropdown to select which Administrative Set to deposit my works into
- I can see a dropdown to search for existing collections for which to add my work to
- I can see a list of all selected collections to add my works to
- I can see a Remove from collection button
- I can see a form to add groups to have specific access to my created works
- Search for existing group to share with
- Choose Access level (View/Download, Edit)
- Add
- I can see a form to add individual users to have specific access to my created works
- Search for existing user
- Choose Access level (View/Download, Edit)
- Add
- I can see a list of all the groups / users I am currently sharing my works with, along with their respective access levels
- If I add a new group / user, I can see a flash notification informing me that permissions aren’t save until the works are saved
- In a sidebar:
- I can see a list of requirements for creating the new batch work:
- Describe your work
- Add files
- Check deposit agreement
- I can set my created works’ visibility
- Public
- Institution
- Embargo
- Lease
- Private
- I can see a list of requirements for creating the new batch work:
- I can see required fields to describe my new work:
- Title
- Creator
- Keyword
- Rights Statement
- I can see a button to display Additional fields
- Under each input, I can see a link to add an additional input for that descriptor
- I can see a button to Add files
- I can see a button to Add folder
- I can see a dropzone to drag-and-drop files to upload
- I can see the file name and file size of uploaded files
- I can see a Delete button next to each file to delete them individually
- I can see a dropdown to select which Administrative Set to deposit my work into
- I can see a dropdown to search for existing collections for which to add my work to
- I can see a list of all selected collections to add my works to
- I can see a Remove from collection button
- I can see a form to add groups to have specific access to my created work
- Search for existing group to share with
- Choose Access level (View/Download, Edit)
- Add
- I can see a form to add individual users to have specific access to my created work
- Search for existing user
- Choose Access level (View/Download, Edit)
- Add
- I can see a list of all the groups / users I am currently sharing my works with, along with their respective access levels
- If I add a new group / user, I can see a flash notification informing me that permissions aren’t save until the works are saved
- I can see the required fields already filled in:
- Title
- Creator
- Keyword
- Rights Statement
- I can see blank input fields under the filled input fields with an option to remove them
- I can see a button to add Additional Fields
- I can see a button to Add files
- I can see a button to Add folder
- I can see a dropzone to drag-and-drop files to upload
- I can see the file name and file size of uploaded files
- I can see a Delete button next to each file to delete them individually
- I can see a dropdown to select which Administrative Set to deposit my work into
- I can see a dropdown to search for existing collections for which to add my work to
- I can see a list of all selected collections to add my works to
- I can see a Remove from collection button
- I can see a dropdown to search for child works
- I can see a button to Deposit a new work as a child of this work
- I can see a list of all existing child works
- I can see a form to add groups to have specific access to my created work
- Search for existing group to share with
- Choose Access level (View/Download, Edit)
- Add
- I can see a form to add individual users to have specific access to my created work
- Search for existing user
- Choose Access level (View/Download, Edit)
- Add
- I can see a list of all the groups / users I am currently sharing my works with, along with their respective access levels
- If I add a new group / user, I can see a flash notification informing me that permissions aren’t save until the works are saved
- I can see a list of deposited works that require review before being published
- For each work pending review, I can see the:
- Work
- Depositor
- Submission Date
- Status
- I can see a list of deposited works that are published
- For each published work, I can see the:
- Work
- Depositor
- Submission Date
- Status
- I can see a form to add or invite a user via email
- I can see the total number of users in my repository
- I can see a list of all users in my repository, including their:
- Username
- Roles
- Last Access
- Status
- I can see a delete button next to each user to remove them from this repository
- I can see the total number of groups in my repository
- I can see a button to Create New Group
- I can see a search box to search for specific groups
- I can see a list of all groups in my repository, along with some basic information:
- Name
- Users (count)
- Date Created
- I can see a button next to each group to Edit group and users
- I can see a link to return to the Manage Groups index page
- I can see a form to enter information about my new group:
- Name (Required)
- Description
- I can see a Users and Remove tab
- Both tabs are unavailable for new groups and are likewise disabled
- I can see a Save button to submit my form and create a new group
- I can see a link to Cancel my new group, which redirects me back to the Manage Groups index page
- I can see a link to return to the Manage Groups index page
- I can see a form with the fields already filled:
- Name (Required)
- Description
- I can see a Save Changes button to submit my form to edit the group
- I can see a link to Cancel my edits, which redirects me back to the Manage Groups index page
- I can see a link to return to the Manage Groups index page
- I can see an input to search for existing users to add to the group
- I can see a list of all current group members, including their:
- Name
- Username
- Joined
- Last access
- I can see a Remove button next to each user to remove them from the group
- I can see a search bar to search through users within the group
- I can see a link to return to the Manage Groups index page
- I can see a button to remove the group from the repository, effectively deleting it
- I can see a warning explaining the irreversible consequences of this action
- I can see all items currently under embargo (works and files)
- Type of Item
- Title
- Current Visibility
- Embargo Release Date
- Visibility will Change to
- I can see a list of all embargoes that have expired, including their:
- Type of Item
- Title
- Current Visibility
- Embargo Release Date
- Visibility will Change to
- I can see a list of all deactivated embargoes, along with their current visibility
- I can see a form to edit the attributes of the active embargo
- I can see a button to Update the Embargo with my changes
- I can see a button to Deactivate Embargo
- I can see a button to Cancel and return to the Manage Embargoes index page
- I can see a button to return to the work’s / file’s individual edit page
- I can see a list of this item’s past embargoes
- I can see a button to also deactivate all the active embargoes on files within the work
- I can see a button to leave the active embargoes on the files within the work
- I can see all items with active leases (works and files)
- Type of Item
- Title
- Current Visibility
- Lease Release Date
- Visibility will Change to
- I can see a list of all leases that have expired, including their:
- Type of Item
- Title
- Current Visibility
- Lease Release Date
- Visibility will Change to
- I can see a list of all deactivated leases, along with their current visibility
- I can see a form to edit the attributes of the active lease
- I can see a button to Update the Lease with my changes
- I can see a button to Deactivate Lease
- I can see a button to Cancel and return to the Manage Leases index page
- I can see a button to return to the work’s / file’s individual edit page
- I can see a list of this item’s past leases
- I can see a button to also deactivate all the active leases on files within the work
- I can see a button to leave the active leases on the files within the work
- I can see a form to General Repository Labels for my site, including:
- Application name
- Institution name
- Full institution name
- I can see a button to Save my changes
- I can see a file upload input to add a logo to my site
- I can see a file upload input to add a banner to my site
- I can see a Save changes button
- I can see a file upload input to set a default collection image
- I can see a file upload input to set a default work image
- I can see a Save changes button
- I can see several key elements throughout the website that each have a color picker input to adjust their color globally throughout the repository
- Beside each color picker, there is a Restore Default button that restores the color to its default value
- I can see a Restore All Defaults button that restores all of the color pickers to their default values
- I can see a Save changes button
- I can see a dropdown menu to select a font for body elements site-wide
- Below this, there is a Restore Default button that restores the font to its default value
- I can see a dropdown menu to select a font for headline elements site-wide
- Below this, there is a Restore Default button that restores the font to its default value
- I can see a Restore All Defaults button that restores all of the fonts pickers to their default values
- I can see a Save changes button
- I can see a textarea to enter custom CSS that will can apply throughout the repository
- I can see a Save changes button
- I can see the total number of collection types I have in this repository
- I can see a button to create a new collection type
- I can see a link to display more information about collection types
- I can see a list of all the current collection types within my repository
- I can see a button next to each collection type to Edit it
- I can see a button next to each custom, non-default collection type to Delete it
- I can see a form to create a new collection types, describing it with:
- Type name (required)
- Type description
- I can see a Save button to create my collection type
- I can see a link to Cancel the creation of a new collection type, redirecting me back to the collection types index page
- I can see a form to edit a collection type, describing it with the attributes filled:
- Type name (required)
- Type description
- I can see a Save Changes button to edit my collection type
- I can see a link to Cancel the editing of a new collection type, redirecting me back to the collection types index page
- I can see several checkboxes describing different settings related to the collection type
- All the checkboxes are disabled, as they can only be changed upon creation of the collection type
- I can see a Save button to create my collection type
- I can see a link to Cancel the creation of a new collection type, redirecting me back to the collection types index page
- I can see a form to add groups to have specific access to the collection type
- I can see a form to add users to have specific access to the collection type
- I can see a list of Managers of this collection type
- I can remove individual managers from this collection type
- I can see a list of Creators of this collection type
- I can remove individual creators from this collection type
- I can see a Save changes button
- I can see a link to Cancel the edits on the collection type, redirecting me back to the collection types index page
- I can see a color picker input to select a badge color for the collection type
- I can see a button to Save my changes
- I can see a link to Cancel my changes, redirecting me back to the Collection Types Index page
- I can see a WYSIWYG to change the content for each of the site’s static pages:
- About Page
- Help Page
- Deposit Agreement
- Terms of Use
- I can see a button to Save my changes
- I can see a button to Cancel my changes
- I can see a WYSIWYG to change the content for each of the site’s content blocks:
- Announcement Text
- Marketing Text
- Home Page Text
- Featured Researcher
- I can see a button to Save my changes
- I can see a button to Cancel my changes
- I can see a list of different site configuration features to alter how the site functions
- Each feature has two options: On and Off
- I can see a form to select an existing user and assign them a specific workflow role
- I can see a list of all users within a repository and their corresponding workflow roles
- I can see a search bar to search for specific users or roles