A neat serverside mod that shows healthbars above mobs' names.
Features custom health icons, customisable length etc. (all per-player)
(all granted by default)
/healthbar toggle
- toggles healthbar (healthcare.healthbar.toggle
)/healthbar edit style <STYLE>
- edits healthbar style (healthcare.healthbar.edit.style
)/healthbar edit alwaysVisible <BOOLEAN>
- sets whether healthbar is visible just on entity hover or always (healthcare.healthbar.edit.visibility
)/healthbar custom healthbarLength <INT>
- changes length of healthbar (healthcare.healthbar.edit.custom.length
)/healthbar custom fullSymbol <CHAR>
- sets custom "full-heart" symbol (healthcare.healthbar.edit.symbol.full
)/healthbar custom emptySymbol <CHAR>
- sets custom "empty-heart" symbol (healthcare.healthbar.edit.symbol.empty
/healthcare reloadConfig
- reloads config (healthcare.reloadConfig