This package generates a list of candidate detections for an input population of moving objects in a specified list of field pointings.
- python 3
- spiceypy python library
- pyoorb python library
- other standard python libraries like numpy, pandas, etc.
- NAIF SPICE Utilities
The easiest way to get started is by using the Anaconda Python
Distribution's conda
package manager
Begin by creating and activating an environment with all the prerequisites:
conda create -n oif-dev -c conda-forge -c mjuric python spiceypy=4.0.1 openorb numpy pandas matplotlib spice-utils
conda activate oif-dev
Download repo via git clone
git clone
Then download the various large binary files (mostly SPICE kernels) that we don't keep in git by running
Next, set up an editable (in-place) development environment
pip install -e .
This will allow you to run the code from the source directory.
Finally, run a test to make sure everything worked:
cd test
oif input.config
- To uninstall:
python develop -u
After installing (either the editable install with pip install -e .
, or
a regular install with pip install
), from the directory containing your
input configuration file run:
oif input.config
Refer to the documentation under the doc/
folder for more details.