This folder is a reference molecular dynamics folder about writing a first md program.
Outline of how this folder is organised. The main reference for this organisation comes from "Understanding Molecular Simulation by Daan Frenkel and Bernard Smith ". This folder is a reference molecular dynamics folder about writing a first md program.
This is NOT a tutorial, but meant to be a companion to the book.
note: The md_program as taught in the book is organised into a molecular dynamics look that performs the different steps as defined as subroutines.
The book teaches them in pseudo algorithms such as to not make the commitment to specific language and writes it an algorithimic way that one can adapt into a code, no matter what the language choice is of the user.
The code I am using is written in python
just because it's what I am using the most at the time of writing this.
Therefore the code is organised in a similar way such that one can use it as a reference code / companion code to the pseudo algorithms.
## Running the Simulation MD Loop
# Creating the MD Object
sim1 = md()
# Initialisation
while (sim1.t < sim1.tmax):
# Determine the Forces
# Intergrate Equations of Motion
# Update time t
print('t = ', sim1.t,' with tmax = ', sim1.tmax)
sim1.t = sim1.t + sim1.dt
# Sampling Data Output if needed
Notes: So this is the principle MD Loop that performs the simuation. The hierarchical organistion is as follows. I defined a class called "md" which is a class that defines a md_simulation object, where the sub_routines of the book are defined as internal functions of the class. Where here we created a "md object" called "sim1".
IMPORTANT: here I am refering to the class initialization of creating the md object, and not the initialization subroutine of the md as refered to in the book which we call "init".
def __init__(self):
if (self.ndim == 1):
print('Warning: ndim == 1!')
# number of dimensions
self.ndim = 2
#number of particles
self.npart = 50
# Temperature
self.temp = 1
# Initialize the time at t=0
self.t = 0
self.dt = 0.001
# sometimes the time step is also called 'delt' and sometimes 'dt'.
self.delt = self.dt
# tmax of the simuation
self.tmax = 0.5
# Size of Simulation Box = 10
# Mass of Particles
self.mass = 1
# LJ-cutoff
self.rc = 4
self.rc2 = self.rc**2
# Boltzmann const
self.k = 1
# ecut = value of LJ potential at r=rc
self.ecut = 4*((1/(self.rc2**6))-(1/(self.rc2**3)))
# Positions x, Pervious Positions xm and Velocities v
self.x = np.zeros((self.npart,self.ndim))
self.xm = np.zeros((self.npart,self.ndim))
self.v = np.zeros((self.npart,self.ndim))
# Forces on Particles
self.f = np.zeros((self.npart,self.ndim))
# Energy
self.en = 0
self.etot = 0
# note: sumv has the dimensions of a velocity
self.sumv = np.zeros(self.ndim)
self.sumv2 = 0
We define the necessary variables that are needed to define our md_simulation. Small note: this part is not explicitely mentioned in the book of what or how to do this declaration of variables or what is needed, so this is an intepretation of what is explained. There are probably multiple ways to do or organise this that are equivalent or more optimized.
This is the subroutine that initializes the molecular dynamics program.
## Initialization of the MD Program
def init(self, xswitch = 0, vswitch = 0):
# xswitch = a switch that decides how we initialize positions
# vswitch = a switch that decides how we initialize velocities.
sumv = np.zeros(self.ndim)
sumv2 = 0
## Particel positions and velocities:
# Note, rand takes from a uniform dis of [0,1)
## Position Initialization Options:
# xswitch = 0 DEFAULT
# Completely Random
if(xswitch == 0):
for k in range(self.ndim):
k_axis = np.random.uniform(0,, self.npart)
for n in range(self.npart):
self.x[n][k] = k_axis[n]
# xswitch = 1
# Build a ndim lattice, then randomly choose a position from the lattice for each particle
if (xswitch == 1):
for k in range(self.ndim):
k_axis = np.linspace(0,, self.npart)
for n in range(self.npart):
self.x[n][k] = random.choice(k_axis)
## Velocity Initialization Options:
# vswitch = 0 DEFALUT
# Boltzmann Distribution set at the Temperature
if (vswitch == 0):
factor = math.sqrt(self.k * self.temp / self.mass)
self.v = np.random.normal(loc=0,scale=factor,size=(self.npart, self.ndim))
# vxwitch = 1
# Uniform Dis
if (vswitch == 1):
self.v = np.random.uniform(-0.5,0.5,(self.npart,self.ndim))
# adding them up
for i in range(self.npart):
sumv = sumv + self.v[i]
sumv2 = sumv2 + (np.linalg.norm(self.v[i]))**2
# Dividing
# Velocity center of mass and mean-squared velocity
sumv = sumv/self.npart
sumv2 = sumv2/self.npart
# scale factor of velocity
fs = math.sqrt(3*self.temp/sumv2)
# Setting the desired kinetic energy
# and set the velocity center of mass to zero
# previous postions initial estimation
for i in range(self.npart):
self.v[i] = (self.v[i] - sumv)*fs
self.xm[i] = self.x[i] - self.v[i]*self.dt
self.sumv = sumv
self.sumv2 = sumv2
Comments on Initializing Positions and Velocities:
xswitch and vswitch : so this is an internal decision to choose how to initialize the velocities and positions. Depending on the switch number you can decide which method to use.
In the book : positions x is initialized on a lattice ; velocities v is initialized from a unifrom distribution. In my code (by default switches = 0): positions x completely random ; velocities v initialized from the Boltzmann distribution.
In theory there are many different ways one can intialize and many different reasons to do so. One however needs to be careful, depending on the method about the treatment.
For example :
One possibile danger is that the particles find themselves too close to one another, and this leads to an explosion of the potential energy, so I iterate through the particles and minimize the potential energy by shifting the postiions such that potential energy is minimized for a specific number of steps. To do this, there is also a subroutine that calculated the potential energy pe, which is a LJ-potential with a cutoff specified by one of the variables of the simulation.
def minimize(self, min_steps, max_dr = 0.15):
for i in range(min_steps):
p = np.random.randint(0,self.npart)
dr = np.random.random_sample(size=self.ndim)*2*max_dr - max_dr
pe_bef =
self.x[p] += dr
pe_after =
if(pe_bef < pe_after):
self.x[p] -= dr
# Since the minimizing step changes the positions, we need to re-estimate the "previous positions"
for i in range(self.npart):
self.xm[i] = self.x[i] - self.v[i]*self.dt
def pe(self):
pe = 0
# loop over all pairs to calculate the force
for i in range(self.npart - 1):
for j in range(i+1,self.npart):
xr = self.x[i] - self.x[j]
# periodic BC
xr = xr -*np.rint(xr/
r2 = (np.linalg.norm(xr))**2
# test cutoff
if (r2 < self.rc2):
r2i = 1/r2
r6i = r2i**3
# LJ Potential
ff = 48*r2i*r6i*(r6i-0.5)
pe = pe + 4*r6i*(r6i - 1) - self.ecut
return pe
Note: this process can be avoided completely if one decides to place them on a lattice directly, which one can easily implement if needed in the code, and setting a specific switch for it.
It's always useful (and cool) to understand what is going on in a simulation, so this is a subroutine that draws the current positions of the particles.
def draw_particles(self):
# 1D
if (self.ndim == 1):
print('Hard to draw 1D. :/')
if (self.ndim == 2):
# Determine Appropriate Size of Figure:
axis = plt.gca()
for i in range(self.npart):
axis.add_patch( plt.Circle(self.x[i], radius=0.5, linewidth=2, edgecolor='black') )
if (self.ndim == 3):
fig = plt.figure()
axis = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
for i in range(self.npart):
axis.scatter( self.x[i][0], self.x[i][1], self.x[i][2], marker="o", c='blue', linewidth=2, edgecolor='black')
A coded version of the pseudo algorithm that calculates and updates the forces on each particle.
## Force
# Determine the force and energy
# box = diameter of periodic box
def force(self):
en = 0
# Forces set already to zero at initialization of the MD Object.
# Reset Forces to Zero
self.f = np.zeros((self.npart,self.ndim))
# loop over all pairs to calculate the force
for i in range(self.npart - 1):
for j in range(i+1,self.npart):
xr = self.x[i] - self.x[j]
# periodic BC
xr = xr -*np.rint(xr/
r2 = (np.linalg.norm(xr))**2
# test cutoff
if (r2 < self.rc2):
r2i = 1/r2
r6i = r2i**3
# LJ Potential
ff = 48*r2i*r6i*(r6i-0.5)
#Update force
self.f[i] = self.f[i] + ff*xr
self.f[j] = self.f[j] - ff*xr
en = en + 4*r6i*(r6i - 1) - self.ecut
self.en = en
We integrate the equations of motion numerically and one can choose which algorithm to us. Here we use the Verlet algorithm as is one in the book. We also calculate the instantaneous temperature, as well as compute the energies.
def integrate(self):
sumv = np.zeros(self.ndim)
sumv2 = 0
# MD Loop
for i in range(self.npart):
# Verlet Algo
xx = 2*self.x[i] - self.xm[i] + (self.delt**2)*self.f[i]
# velocity
self.v[i] = (xx-self.xm[i])/(2*self.delt)
# velocity center of mass
sumv = sumv + self.v[i]
# total kin energy
sumv2 = sumv2 + np.linalg.norm(self.v[i])**2
# update positions previous time
self.xm[i] = self.x[i]
self.x[i] = xx
# instantaneous temperature
self.temp = sumv2/(3*self.npart)
# total energy per particle
self.etot = (self.en + 0.5*sumv2)/self.npart
# kin en
self.sumv = sumv
self.sumv2 = sumv2
In theory, now you have everything you need to run the simulation, but almost always we want to write out useful information, such as the temeperature, energies, or whatever other information that we compute at each (or every few) timesteps.
This is done in the md_loop and here is a simple exaple of writing the potential energy, kinetic energy, total energy per particle and temperature.
## Running the Simulation MD Loop
# Creating the MD Object
sim1 = md()
# Initialisation
# Minimize Potential Energy
# Sampling Data Output
time = [0]
temp_output = [sim1.temp]
en_output = [sim1.en]
etot_output = [sim1.etot]
sumv2_output = [sim1.sumv2]
while (sim1.t < sim1.tmax):
# Determine the Forces
# Intergrate Equations of Motion
# Update time t
print('t = ', sim1.t,' with tmax = ', sim1.tmax)
sim1.t = sim1.t + sim1.dt
## Sampling Averages
# For time file
time = np.append(time, sim1.t)
# For Temperature File
temp_output = np.append(temp_output,sim1.temp)
# For en
en_output = np.append(en_output, sim1.en)
# For etot i.e total energy per particle
etot_output = np.append(etot_output, sim1.etot)
# For Kin Energy
sumv2_output = np.append(sumv2_output, sim1.sumv2)
# Writing Output Files
# Temperature Output
# [time] [temperature]
temp_data = np.column_stack([time, temp_output])
np.savetxt('temperature.dat', temp_data, delimiter=' ', newline='\r\n')
# etot output
# [time] [etot]
etot_data = np.column_stack([time, etot_output])
np.savetxt('etot.dat', etot_data, delimiter=' ', newline='\r\n')
# en output
# [time] [en]
en_data = np.column_stack([time, en_output])
np.savetxt('en.dat', en_data, delimiter=' ', newline='\r\n')
# sumv2 output
sumv2_data = np.column_stack([time, sumv2_output])
np.savetxt('sumv2.dat', sumv2_data, delimiter=' ', newline='\r\n')
The full code of the topics dicussed so far is in the repository under the name