This source code was created to demonstrate how we can do a 3d horizontal and vertical animation of an Apple Card using only css styles. The application built with NativeScript including some .scss styles, custom mixins, font icons, .png images to create an Apple Card using 2 GridLayouts.
$ git clone
$ cd ns-3d-applecard
$ tns run android/iOS --bundle
row="1" col="0"
rows="*,*" columns="2*,1*"
class="apple-card apple-card-front">
row="0" col="0"
class="fa-brands apple-icon"
row="1" col="1"
row="1" col="0"
<!--Back Apple Card-->
<GridLayout id="backAppleCard" row="1" col="0" rows="4*,1*" columns="*,*" class="apple-card apple-card-back">
<Label row="0" col="0" textWrap="true" class="name">
<Span text="Goldman 
<Span text="Sachs"></Span>
<Label row="0" col="1" class="fa-brands icon-mastercard" text=""></Label>
<label row="1" col="0" colSpan="2" class="card-bottom"></label>
@keyframes flip-h-back {
0% { transform: rotate3d(0,0,0); }
49.99% { transform: rotate3d(0,-89.99,0); }
50.01% { transform: rotate3d(0,-90,0); opacity: 0; } // opacity: 0;
100% { transform: rotate3d(0,-180,0); }
@keyframes flip-h-front {
0% { transform: rotate3d(0,180,0); }
49.99% { transform: rotate3d(0,90.01,0); }
50% { transform: rotate3d(0,90,0); opacity: 1; } // opacity: 1;
100% { transform: rotate3d(0,0,0); }
.flip-h-back {
@include set-animation(flip-h-back);
.flip-h-front {
opacity: 0;
@include set-animation(flip-h-front);
@keyframes flip-v-back {
0% { transform: rotate3d(0,0,0); }
49.99% { transform: rotate3d(-89.99,0,0); }
50% { transform: rotate3d(-90,0,0); opacity: 0; }
100% { transform: rotate3d(-180,0,0); }
@keyframes flip-v-front {
0% { transform: rotate3d(180,0,0); }
49.99% { transform: rotate3d(90.1,0,0); }
50% { transform: rotate3d(90,0,0); opacity: 1; }
100% { transform: rotate3d(0,0,0); }
.flip-v-back {
@include set-animation(flip-v-back);
.flip-v-front {
opacity: 0;
@include set-animation(flip-v-front);
@mixin set-animation($name) {
animation-name: $name;
animation-delay: 0;
animation-duration: 0.7s;
animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
<!--Vertical rotate -->
<Button row="0" col="0"
text="Vertical Rotate"></Button>
<!--Horizontal rotate -->
<Button row="0" col="0"
text="Horizontal Rotate"></Button>
- First Action: Horizontally Rotate the front of the apple card 180 degrees back
this.frontAppleCard.className = 'apple-card apple-card-front flip-back-h';
- Second Action: Horizontally Rotate the back of the apple card 180 degrees forward
this.backAppleCard.className = 'apple-card apple-card-back flip-front-h';
How you can see only need to apply the specific classes to front or back of the apple card to rotate them.
Example II: If we want to horizontally rotate the apple card (rotating the card to its original state), we need to do 2 actions too:
- First Action: Horizontally Rotate the front of the apple card (after the above actions the front of the apple card is in the background) 180 degrees front
this.frontAppleCard.className = 'apple-card apple-card-front flip-front-h';
- Second Action: Horizontally Rotate the back (after the above actions the front of the apple card is in the background) of the apple card 180 degrees back
this.backAppleCard.className = 'apple-card apple-card-back flip-back-h';
below all code that we need to do 3D flip the apple card both horizontally and vertically...
onRotateCard(rotate: string) {
if (!this.frontCardInteraction) {
this.animateAppleCard(this.frontAppleCard, this.getRotationStyle('front', 'back', rotate));
this.animateAppleCard(this.backAppleCard, this.getRotationStyle('back', 'front', rotate));
this.frontCardInteraction = true;
} else {
this.animateAppleCard(this.frontAppleCard, this.getRotationStyle('front', 'front', rotate));
this.animateAppleCard(this.backAppleCard, this.getRotationStyle('back', 'back', rotate));
this.frontCardInteraction = false;
onThemeSelectorTap(theme: string): void {
this.appleCardParentView.className = theme;
animateAppleCard(view: GridLayout, classes: string): void {
view.className = classes;
// this method to get the flip-x-y class that we need to ratate the apple card
// x: it can be 'v' or 'h'
// y: it can be 'front' or 'back'
getRotationStyle(from: string, to: string, rotate: string) {
return `apple-card apple-card-${from} flip-${rotate}-${to}`;