The project is to design a educational and informative application. In this case our app will render a globe in React and detail it with up-to-date information about various crisis/disasters.
The project must:
- Query an API to recieve up-to-date information
- Display that information on a map/globe
- Be informative, intutive and interactive
- Be suitable for a wide range of ages
- Should be able to provide drill-down granular detail
The project has delivered on the MVP with a number of additional features. The Crisis Mapper App delivers all the above points, and adds further Media Objects (informational videos) and multiple APIs.
Clone the repository and in the main folder run 'npm install' from the terminal. Once installation has completed and all dependencies have been installed, run 'npm start'. Use the app on 'localhost:3000'.
- ReactJS
- three
- d3
- React-Bootstrap
- enzyme/cypress
- RESTFUL Countries API
- Seismic Portal EU API