A set of thowaway Sailfish Demos, of things that work, and things that don't! Each demo will focus on one feature only.
These demos will be linked from my Sailfish Blog http://flyingsheeponsailfish.blogspot.ch/
Working.QT5TestLS: Demos use of LocalStorage in Qt5 / Sailfish Alpha 2 http://flyingsheeponsailfish.blogspot.ch/2013/08/alpha-2-migrating-localstorage-from-qt4.html Note: While this demo builds and starts it does not do much (apart from outputtng to the console). It is the code that is interesting.
Working.setContextPropertyDemo: Demos how setContextPropertyDemo can be used in Qt5 / Alpha 2 to pass simple C++ properties from the main.cpp file to the QML side of a project Blog page on this coming soon....
Working.LandedSettingsCMenuDemo2 demonstrates a Listview that expands when a context menu opens when the menu delegate is pressedAndHeld