- Day-to-day timeline
- Technical cheatsheets
- (Cohort 1 energizers) - (Andrea's energizers)
- Examples for sandboxing exploratory effect
- Visual analogs cheatsheets
- c9.io reloader
- Phaser demo/bootstrap program
- See Zed Shaw's Python template
- Boostrap for web development
- See Zed Shaw's Python template
- GitHub cheatsheet
- Firebase example
- Research CS-Unplugged
- PB&J Trust Robot
- Create a kinesthetic activity for every concept
- T-Shirts
- Stickers
- Lasercut things
- Buttons
- Socks
- HTML Tags
- HTML Attributes
- CSS Selectors
- CSS Cascade
- DOM Manipulation
- Framework
- React?
- Angular?
- Backbone?
- Variables
- Programs in order
- DOM manipulation
- Objects
- Computational thinking
- Parent/child sibling
- Arrays
- On ___ callbacks
- Functions
- Callbacks
- Phaser
- Loops
- Promises
- Conditionals
- Physics
- Breaking down the problem
- Google skills
- Asking the right questions
- Dynamic web frontend
- Phaser with user input
- Web backend
- Presentation cheatsheet
- Present their projects
- Lightning talks
- End of camp demo day
- Bigger summer demo day
- Resiliancy to failure
- Growth mindset
- Autonomy
- Letter to self & goals
- Metrics driven culture - create workshop from Anna
- Grit delta before-after class
- Change in self-efficacy
- How well they met coding objectives (project?)
- How well they met coding objects (test?)
- Self assessment
- Self assessment
- In-person class feedback
- Final feedback form
- Daily feedback form
- In person one-on-one meeting with each student
- Andrea's journal
- GitHub folder for arbitrary (unorganized) notes
- Video tape & organizer vids for lessons & energizers
- Daily summaries/reflections on GitHub
- GitHub of our daily notes
- Girls Who Code curriculum
- Mission Bit
- Review old feedback
- Explicit facilitator observations
- Energizers
- Breakfast/lunch lifetalks
- Teaching each other (like when they present)
- Team charter
- Letter to next student
- Dance
- Jam
- Day-to-day timeline for the three weeks
- A sheet with examples, key facts, and visual analogs for each concept, including problem solving and presentations (targetted for the student)
- Update energizers list (in Google Docs) with Jonathan's energizers
- Phaser example-like examples for every concept we teach (ex. build a "Phaser example" for using input fields in a form)
- c9.io auto-code reloader that shows an index
- Phaser bootstrap template
- Web development bootstrap template
- Cheatsheet on using GitHub
- Firebase example
- Firebase cheatsheet
- Bullet points guideliens for running kinesthetic (for us)
- CS-Unplugged (research this)
- PB&J
- Trust Robot
- T-Shirts
- Stickers
- Lasercut graduation gifts
- Buttons
- Socks
- HTML Tags
- HTML Attributes
- Parent/child sibling
- CSS Selectors
- CSS Cascade
- DOM Manipulation
- On ____ callbacks
- A web framework (React, Angular, Backbone, etc)
- Phaser
- Physics
- Variables
- Computational thinking (includes understanding programs run in order)
- Objects
- Arrays
- Callbacks
- Functions
- Loops
- Promises
- Conditionals
- Breaking down the problem
- Google skills
- Asking the right questions
- Resiliancy to failure
- Growth mindset
- Autonomy
- Frontend-only webapp (no backend/Firebase/etc)
- Frontend webapp with backend
- Backend of a webapp (like Flask)
- Phaser with user input
- Given a formal short presentation of what they've built
- Given a lightning talk on a topic that's not their project
- Presented project at a end-of-camp demo day
- Presented project at a end-of-summer (with other cohorts) demo day
- Letter to self & goals
- Web portfolio of projects
- Measure delta of grit and mindset between before and after camp
- Measure delta of self-efficacy between before and after camp
- Create assessment for student deliverables
- Like a rubric?
- Self-assessment
- Create assessment coding knowledge on-demand
- Self-assessment
- Coding tests
- In-person one-on-one meeting with students
- Informal in-person class (as a whole) feedback
- Final feedback form for each student
- Daily feedback form for each student
- Andrea's journal
- Video taping & organizer vids for lession & energizers
- GitHub folder for arbitrary (unorganized) notes
- Team daily summaries/reflections on GitHub (including personal daily notes)
- Explicit facilitator observations
- Girls Who Code curriculum
- Mission Bit
- Review old feedback
- Energizers
- Breakfast/lunch lifetalks
- Teaching each other (like when they present)
- Team charter
- Letter to next student
- Dance<>Jam