cohort 1 | cohort 2 | cohort 3 | cohort 4
Hack Camp is hackEDU's summer program. It's a two-week program for high school students who want to make things with code. We'll bring participants from their first line of code to publishing their first project.
Check out the gh-pages
branch for Hack Camp's website.
The objective of Hack Camp is build an set of materials that allows any hackEDU team member to reproduce an experience that that brings people from no coding knowledge to having the ability, motivation, and confidence to create coding projects and continue learning new coding concepts with others, without the explicit urging or leading of a teacher.
This can be broken down into two parts: creating the experience and reproducing it.
June 1st - June 12th
Unfortunately we didn't clarify our objectives for Hack Camp until the first cohort was over, so we didn't have anything set for this.
June 22nd - July 3rd
The objective of the second cohort is to only do the first part of the Hack Camp objective: creating the experience. Our goal is to create an experience that brings people from no coding knowledge to having the ability, motivation, and confidence to create coding projects and continue learning new coding concepts with others, without the explicit urging or leading of a teacher.
We should be taking personal notes on what we're doing and how we're doing it at this stage, but we shouldn't be creating documentation for others to reproduce our work yet.
July 13th - July 24th
The objective of the third cohort is to improve our work from the second cohort. We want to do the best job possible satisfying the first part of Hack Camp's objective.
We should be taking personal notes on what we're doing and how we're doing it at this stage, but we shouldn't be creating documentation for others to reproduce our work yet.
August 3rd - August 14th
The objective of the fourth cohort is to have another member of the hackEDU team reproduce the experience from the second and third cohorts from a set of materials.