vim-syncr is a simple vim script for uploading/downloading files to a remote location or deleting files from a remote location using rsync over ssh.
I needed to solve this workflow and its criterias:
- Local git repository with typical web files (html, php, images, etc)
- Remote web root
- Mirror my local environment to the remote web root minus files/directories marked for exclusion (yes "web files", no git folder)
- Must be able to "clean up" remotely by deleting or renaming files that I delete or rename locally
- Authorization and authentication must "Just work" with SSH keys; I want no hassle, no password prompts
I found vim-hsftp but I couldn't quite get it to work. It did however have excellent configuration loading code, so vim-syncr is forked from vim-hsftp. All credit goes to hesselbom/vim-hsftp; without it this project would never have been started.
Install like you would any other Vundle compatible plugin.
Create a filed called .syncr in your project's root directory containing the following configuration, chmod it to 700 and chpwn it for security:
$ cat /Desktop/projects/newproject/.syncr
remote_user bob
remote_path /home/bob/html/site1/
project_path ~/Desktop/projects/site1/
Syncs files and directories with remote
Syncs any file or directory deletions with remote
Syncs files and directories with remote (grabs foreign new files)
Calls :VsUpload
Calls :VsDelete
Calls :VsDownload