This code is the reference implementation described in the paper "FA-Harris: A Fast and Asynchronous Corner Detector for Event Cameras". This work was developed by Ruoxiang Li at National University of Defense Technology.
In this work, we present our event-corner detection method operating directly on the asychronous event-streams. The asychronous event corner detector, called FA-Harris, works based on the Surface of Active Events structure. We propose a global SAE construction and updating method and an efficient candidate selection and refinement strategy. And the FA-Harris algorithm runs 8 times faster than the novel event-based Harris detector. When considering the accuracy, our method achieves good performance compared to the previous methods.
This code has been tested with ROS kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04.
If you use this work, please cite the following publication:
Ruoxiang, Li and Dianxi, Shi and Yongjun, Zhang and Kaiyue, Li and Ruihao, Li. "FA-Harris: A Fast and Asynchronous Corner Detector for Event Cameras." IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2019.
author = {Li, Ruoxiang and Shi, Dianxi and Zhang, Yongjun and Li, Kaiyue and Li, Ruihao},
year = {2019},
month = {09},
pages = {6223--6229},
title = {FA-Harris: A Fast and Asynchronous Corner Detector for Event Cameras}
- Eigen 3
sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
ROS-related requirements:
Clone the repository to your ROS workspace and build it:
$ cd /path/to/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone
$ roscd fa_harris
$ catkin build --this
Connect your DAVIS camera and launch the following file:
$ roslaunch fa_harris corner.launch
Or, you can also play a rosbag file from the Event Camera Dataset:
$ roslaunch fa_harris corner.launch rosbag_flag:=1 rosbag_path:=/path/to/ros_bag.bag
Please, create an issue if you have questions or bug reports. If you come up with any improvements, please create a pull request. Alternatively, you can also contact me at [email protected].
Many thanks to Ignacio Alzugaray and Elias Mueggler who shared their code for event-corner detection: