bundle --> Gemfile rails s --> config/, bin/ rake db:migrate --> db/ rake --> Rakefile, test/ beginners can match commands to files! cool lightning talk? or dumb?
That project can be found here https://github.com/MichaelDimmitt/g-r-s-t-r-w-bts obviously this was not productive at all. no new features were built. But one day I thought, what would happen if I just sledgehammered a new scaffold? I never thought that the program would break at the different commands. My Rails story has been, do commands--> magic happens! An unexpected discovery: you can match commands to files!
Since I can match commands to files Committing the initial project scaffold should not be one commit and as a commit message ```commit -m "initial project scaffold;``` Instead, a scaffold should consist of adding files and eluciadating the commands that require these files!