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Setup of the ceremony


  • Python 3.5+, pip
  • solc, the Solidity compiler

Start POA network

  • Install solidity-flattener pip3.5 install solidity-flattener
  • Install npm dependencies npm i
  • Generate flat sources of contracts with the script ./
  • We need the byte code of PoaNetworkConsensus_flat contract to add it to spec.json of the network.
    Go to Remix.
    Copy ./flat/PoaNetworkConsensus_flat.sol source to the input field and press Start to compile.
    Choose PoaNetworkConsensus contract in the listbox and press "Details". Copy BYTECODE of the compiled source for spec.json.

Add Contracts to Parity UI.

Start Parity UI. In the contracts section press Develop button. Select 0.4.18 Solidity compiler version. Set Optimize to true.

  • In Parity UI Contracts tab choose watch custom contract. Paste bytecode and ABI of PoaNetworkConsensus contract from Remix.

Compile and deploy contracts in the next sequence:

  • ProxyStorage_flat.sol - Select contract ProxyStorage with constructor parameters:
    _poaConsensus - address of poaConsensus contract, _moc - address of Master of Ceremony.
  • Select poaNetworkConsensus contract and send transaction setProxyStorage with the address of ProxyStorage contract.
  • KeysManager_flat.sol - Select contract KeysManager with constructor parameters: _proxyStorage - address of ProxyStorage contract, _poaConsensus - address of poaConsensus contract, _moc - address of Master of Ceremony.
  • BallotsStorage_flat.sol - Select contract BallotsStorage with constructor parameters: _proxyStorage - address of ProxyStorage contract
  • VotingToChangeKeys_flat.sol - Select contract VotingToChangeKeys with constructor parameters: _proxyStorage - address of ProxyStorage contract
  • VotingToChangeMinThreshold_flat.sol - Select contract VotingToChangeMinThreshold with constructor parameters: _proxyStorage - address of ProxyStorage contract
  • VotingToChangeProxyAddress_flat.sol - Select contract VotingToChangeProxyAddress with constructor parameters: _proxyStorage - address of ProxyStorage contract
  • ValidatorMetadata_flat.sol - Select contract ValidatorMetadata with constructor parameters: _proxyStorage - address of ProxyStorage contract
  • Select deployed ProxyStorage contract and make a call from MoC address to initializeAddresses with relevant addresses.

Unit tests

Full Test Report

  Contract: BallotsStorage [all features]
      ✓ sets MoC and Poa (50ms)
      ✓ can only be called from votingToChangeThreshold address (107ms)
      ✓ cannot be set for Invalid threshold (151ms)
      ✓ new value cannot be equal to 0 (163ms)
      ✓ sets new value for Keys threshold (72ms)
      ✓ sets new value for MetadataChange threshold (66ms)
      ✓ returns total number of validators (267ms)
      ✓ returns total number of validators (562ms)
      ✓ returns voting to change min threshold address (97ms)
      ✓ returns limit per validator to create ballots (248ms)
  Contract: KeysManager [all features]
      ✓ sets masterOfCeremony, proxyStorage, poaConsensus (68ms)
      ✓ adds masterOfCeremony to validators hash
      ✓ can only be called by master of ceremony (73ms)
      ✓ cannot allow 0x0 addresses (81ms)
      ✓ should not allow to initialize already initialized key (71ms)
      ✓ should not allow to initialize already initialized key after validator created mining key (148ms)
      ✓ should not equal to master of ceremony
      ✓ should not allow to initialize more than maxNumberOfInitialKeys (192ms)
      ✓ should not allow to initialize more than maxNumberOfInitialKeys (569ms)
      ✓ should increment initialKeyCount by 1 (99ms)
      ✓ should set initialKeys hash to activated status (110ms)
      ✓ should only be called from initialized key (157ms)
      ✓ params should not be equal to each other (132ms)
      ✓ any of params should not be equal to initialKey (125ms)
      ✓ should assign mining, voting, payout keys to relative mappings (248ms)
      ✓ should assigns voting <-> mining key relationship (161ms)
      ✓ adds validator to poaConsensus contract (166ms)
      ✓ should set validatorKeys hash (170ms)
      ✓ should set validatorKeys hash (139ms)
      ✓ should only be called from votingToChangeKeys (138ms)
      ✓ should not let add more than maxLimit (79ms)
      ✓ should set validatorKeys hash (107ms)
      ✓ should add VotingKey (212ms)
      ✓ should only be called if mining is active (244ms)
      ✓ swaps keys if voting already exists (275ms)
      ✓ should add PayoutKey (183ms)
      ✓ should only be called if mining is active (225ms)
      ✓ swaps keys if voting already exists (253ms)
      ✓ should remove miningKey (306ms)
      ✓ removes validator from poaConsensus (418ms)
      ✓ should still enforce removal of votingKey to 0x0 even if voting key didnot exist (302ms)
      ✓ should remove votingKey (334ms)
      ✓ should remove payoutKey (292ms)
      ✓ should swap mining key (278ms)
      ✓ should keep voting and payout keys (575ms)
      ✓ should swap voting key (225ms)
      ✓ should swap payout key (267ms)
      ✓ can copy initial keys (285ms)
      ✓ copies validator keys (800ms)
      ✓ throws when trying to copy invalid mining key (154ms)
  Contract: ValidatorMetadata [all features]
      ✓ happy path (144ms)
      ✓ should not let create metadata if called by non-voting key (65ms)
      ✓ should not let create metadata if called second time (171ms)
      ✓ happy path (98ms)
      ✓ happy path (247ms)
      ✓ should not let call if there is no metadata (48ms)
      ✓ resets confirmations when changeRequest recreated (663ms)
      ✓ happy path (417ms)
      ✓ should not let delete records for someone else miningKey (428ms)
      ✓ should not let confirm your own changes (299ms)
      ✓ should confirm changes (282ms)
      ✓ prevent from double voting (336ms)
      ✓ happy path (792ms)
      ✓ returns default value
  Contract: PoaNetworkConsensus [all features]
    default values
      ✓ finalized should be false (38ms)
      ✓ checks systemAddress
      ✓ allows you to set current list of validators (137ms)
      ✓ should only be called by systemAddress (109ms)
      ✓ should set finalized to true (107ms)
      ✓ should set currentValidators to pendingList (114ms)
      ✓ set currentValidators to pendingList after addValidator call (458ms)
      ✓ should be called only from keys manager (98ms)
      ✓ should not allow to add already existing validator (100ms)
      ✓ should not allow 0x0 addresses (117ms)
      ✓ should set validatorsState for new validator (121ms)
      ✓ should set finalized to false (97ms)
      ✓ should emit InitiateChange with blockhash and pendingList as params (109ms)
      ✓ should remove validator (130ms)
      ✓ should be called only from keys manager (167ms)
      ✓ should only be allowed to remove from existing set of validators (52ms)
      ✓ should decrease length of pendingList (364ms)
      ✓ should change validatorsState (160ms)
      ✓ should set finalized to false (159ms)
      ✓ can be called by any validator (101ms)
      ✓ can only be called once
      ✓ cannot be set to 0x0 address (62ms)
      ✓ sets proxyStorage (86ms)
      ✓ sets isMasterOfCeremonyInitialized (69ms)
      ✓ emits MoCInitializedProxyStorage (59ms)
      ✓ #getKeysManager (121ms)
      ✓ #getVotingToChangeKeys (90ms)
      ✓ returns address of miner (40ms)
  Contract: ProxyStorage [all features]
      ✓ sets MoC and Poa (49ms)
      ✓ sets all addresses (176ms)
      ✓ prevents Moc to call it more than once (116ms)
      ✓ can only be called from votingToChangeProxy address (61ms)
      ✓ cannot be set to 0x0 address
      ✓ sets keysManager (47ms)
      ✓ sets votingToChangeKeys (40ms)
      ✓ sets votingToChangeMinThreshold (44ms)
      ✓ sets votingToChangeProxy (60ms)
      ✓ sets ballotsStorage (39ms)
      ✓ sets ballotsStorage (48ms)
  Contract: Voting to change keys [all features]
      ✓ happy path (420ms)
      ✓ should not let create voting with invalid duration (135ms)
      ✓ should not let create more ballots than the limit (13983ms)
      ✓ should let a validator to vote (206ms)
      ✓ reject vote should be accepted (184ms)
      ✓ should allow multiple voters to vote (942ms)
      ✓ should not let vote nonVoting key (71ms)
      ✓ should not let vote before startTime key (124ms)
      ✓ should not let vote after endTime key (133ms)
      ✓ should not let vote with already voted key (268ms)
      ✓ should not let vote with invalid choice (273ms)
      ✓ should not let vote with invalid id (221ms)
      ✓ happy path - no action since it didnot meet minimum number of totalVoters (673ms)
      ✓ finalize addition of payout key (828ms)
      ✓ finalize addition of VotingKey (997ms)
      ✓ cannot create ballot for using previous mining key (2325ms)
      ✓ finalize addition of MiningKey (1150ms)
      ✓ finalize removal of MiningKey (1270ms)
      ✓ finalize removal of VotingKey (1173ms)
      ✓ finalize removal of PayoutKey (1182ms)
      ✓ finalize swap of VotingKey (1096ms)
      ✓ finalize swap of PayoutKey (1197ms)
      ✓ finalize swap of MiningKey (1339ms)
      ✓ prevent double finalize (1658ms)
  Contract: VotingToChangeMinThreshold [all features]
      ✓ happy path (232ms)
      ✓ proposed value should be more than or equal to 3 (42ms)
      ✓ proposed value should not be equal to the same value (52ms)
      ✓ should not let create more ballots than the limit (13742ms)
      ✓ should let a validator to vote (194ms)
      ✓ reject vote should be accepted (213ms)
      ✓ should allow multiple voters to vote (500ms)
      ✓ should not let vote nonVoting key (66ms)
      ✓ should not let vote before startTime key (122ms)
      ✓ should not let vote after endTime key (124ms)
      ✓ should not let vote with already voted key (207ms)
      ✓ should not let vote with invalid choice (220ms)
      ✓ should not let vote with invalid id (234ms)
      ✓ doesnot change if it did not pass minimum threshold (550ms)
      ✓ should change to proposedValue when quorum is reached (1276ms)
      ✓ prevents double finalize (1700ms)
  Contract: VotingToChangeProxyAddress [all features]
      ✓ happy path (254ms)
      ✓ proposed address should not be 0x0
      ✓ can creates multiple ballots (434ms)
      ✓ should not let create more ballots than the limit (13379ms)
      ✓ should let a validator to vote (200ms)
      ✓ reject vote should be accepted (170ms)
      ✓ should allow multiple voters to vote (812ms)
      ✓ should not let vote nonVoting key (63ms)
      ✓ should not let vote before startTime key (104ms)
      ✓ should not let vote after endTime key (122ms)
      ✓ should not let vote with already voted key (218ms)
      ✓ should not let vote with invalid choice (220ms)
      ✓ should not let vote with invalid id (201ms)
      ✓ doesnot change if it did not pass minimum threshold (588ms)
      ✓ should change getKeysManager address (763ms)
      ✓ should change getVotingToChangeKeys (951ms)
      ✓ should change getVotingToChangeMinThreshold (921ms)
      ✓ should change getVotingToChangeProxy (955ms)
      ✓ should change getBallotsStorage (969ms)
      ✓ prevents double finalize (1358ms)
  163 passing (3m)


Smart contracts for Proof of Authority Consensus







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  • JavaScript 65.4%
  • Solidity 32.6%
  • Shell 1.5%
  • Makefile 0.5%