US-ASCII - ASCII restricted character classes based on Perl 6 predefined classes and ABNF/RFC5234 Core.
say so /<US-ASCII::alpha>/ for <A À 9>; # True, False, False
grammar IPv6 does US-ASCII-UC {
token h16 { <HEXDIG> ** 1..4}
# False, True, True, False, False
say so IPv6.parse($_, :rule<h16>) for ('DÉÃD', 'BEEF', 'A0', 'A๐', 'a0');
grammar SQL_92 does US-ASCII-UC {
token unsigned-integer { <DIGIT>+ }
# True, False
say so SQL_92.parse($_, :rule<unsigned-integer>) for ('42', '4૫');
say so /<ALPHA>/ for <A À 9>; # True, False, False
This module provides regex character classes restricted to ASCII including the predefined character classes of Perl 6 and ABNF (RFC 5234) Core rules. The US-ASCII grammar defines most character classes in lower case for direct use without composition as in the first SYNOPSIS example. The US-ASCII-UC role defines all character classes in upper case and is intended for composition into grammars. Upper case US-ASCII tokens may be imported with the import tag :UC
. Composition of upper case named regex/tokens does not override the predefined Perl 6 character classes and conforms better to RFC 5234 ABNF, facilitating use with grammars of other internet standards based on that RFC.
The distribution also includes an US-ASCII::ABNF::Core
module with tokens for ABNF Core as enumerated in RFC 5234. See further details in that module's documentation. There is also an US-ASCIIx
module which is a POSIX variant with a :POSIX
import tag and alpha
, alnum
and their uppercase export versions do not include underscore, '_'.
role of the US-ASCII
module extends US-ASCII-UC
by defining all ABNF Core tokens including ones like DQUOTE that are trivially coded in Perl6 and others that are likely only to be useful for composition in grammars related to ABNF. For conformance with ABNF, ALPHA
do not include underscore, '_' in this module.
Unlike RFC 5234, and some existing Perl 6 implementations of it, US-ASCII rules are very rarely defined by ordinal values and mostly use, hopefully clearer, Perl 6 character ranges and names. Actually you could code most of these rules/tokens easily enough yourself as demonstrated below but the modules may still help collect and organize them for reuse.
my token DIGIT { <digit> & <:ascii> } # implemented with conjunction
Almost all are based on predefined Perl 6 character classes.
alpha / ALPHA
alpha_x / ALPHAx # alpha without '_' underscore
upper / UPPER
lower / LOWER
digit / DIGIT
xdigit / XDIGIT
hexdig / HEXDIG # ABNF 0..9A..F (but not a..f)
alnum / ALNUM
alnum_x / ALNUMx # alnum without '_' underscore
punct / PUNCT
graph / GRAPH
blank / BLANK
space / SPACE
print / PRINT
cntrl / CNTRL
vchar / VCHAR # ABNF \x[21]..\x[7E] visible (printing) chars
wb / WB
ww / WW
ident / IDENT
BIT ('0' or '1')
CHAR (Anything in US-ASCII other than NUL)
SP (space)
LWSP (ABNF linear white space)
ABNF Core rule | Perl 6 equivalent |
CR | \c[CR] |
CTL | US-ASCII cntrl / CNTRL |
DQUOTE | '"' |
HTAB | "\t" |
LF | \c[LF] |
SP | ' ' |
WSP | US-ASCII blank / BLANK |
As previously mentioned for the US-ASCII
module ALPHA
include the underscore ('_') and for US-ASCIIx
those two tokens DO NOT include underscore.
Since ABNF is defined using the ASCII character set the distribution includes an US-ASCII::ABNF::Core module defining the tokens for ABNF Core as enumerated in RFC 5234. See that module's documentation for more detail.
In 0.1.X releases CR, LF and SP were provided by the US-ASCII grammar. They are now treated as ABNF Core only tokens, as they can be easily enough coded in Perl 6 using equivalents noted in the table above.
Perl 6 strings treat "\c[CR]\c[LF]"
as a single grapheme and that sequence will not match either <CR>
or <LF>
but will match <CRLF>
The Unicode \c[KELVIN SIGN]
at code point \x[212A]
is normalized by Perl 6 string processing to the letter 'K' and say so "\x[212A]" ~~ /K/
prints True
. Regex tests that match the letter K, including US-ASCII tokens, may thus appear to match the Kelvin sign.
Export of tokens and other Regex
types is not formally documented. Regex(es) are derived from Method
which is in turn derived from Routine
. Sub
is also derived from Routine
and well documented and established as exportable including lexical my sub
. There is a roast example of exporting an operator method in S06-operator-overloading/infix.t and also mention of method export in a Dec 12, 2009 advent blog post. Further documentation and test of export on Method
and Regex
types is of interest to these modules and project.
This implementation uses my
/lexical scope to export tokens the same way a module would export a my sub
. I looked into our
scope and no scope specifier for the declarations and came across roast issue #426, which I felt made the choice ambiguous and export of my token
currently the best of the three.