This is a example of how to use Microsoft Monaco Editor for coding Typescript functions using react-monaco library
Demo -
Install CRA
$> npm i create-react-app
Create React Project
$> create-react-app react-monaco-example
Eject React Scripts
$> cd react-monaco-editor $> npm run eject
Install React Monaco Editor and make changes to webpack
$> npm i react-monaco-editor -S $> npm i monaco-editor-webpack-plugin -D
Edit react-monaco-example/config/webpack.config.js file
- Add Import at the top
const MonacoWebpackPlugin = require('monaco-editor-webpack-plugin');
- Add Plugin in the plugin space
new MonacoWebpackPlugin(),
Create a React Component for Monaco Editor
import React,{Component} from 'react'; import MonacoEditor from 'react-monaco-editor' const code = ` // Define Typescript Interface Employee interface Employee { firstName: String; lastName: String; contractor?: Boolean; } // Use Typescript Interface Employee. // This should show you an error on john // as required attribute lastName is missing const john:Employee = { firstName:"John", // lastName:"Smith" // contractor:true } ` export class SimpleTypescriptEditor extends Component { constructor(props){ super(props); this.state = { code } } onChange(newValue, e) { // console.log('onChange', newValue, e); } render() { return ( <MonacoEditor width="600" height="800" language="typescript" theme="vs-dark" defaultValue='' value={this.state.code} onChange={this.onChange} /> ) } }
// types/index.js import {content as modelContent} from './models'; import {content as lambdaContent} from './lambda'; import {content as ramdaContent} from './ramda'; export const files = { "models/index.d.ts": modelContent, "ramda/index.d.ts": ramdaContent, "lambda/index.d.ts": lambdaContent, };
// types/models.js export const content = ` export interface Item { id: String; name: String; value: String; } export interface Result { id: String; name: String; value: String; } `
// types/lambda.js export const content = ` import {Item} from 'models'; export interface Event { input: Item[] } export interface Context { } `
import React,{Component} from 'react'; import MonacoEditor from 'react-monaco-editor' import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api'; import {Uri} from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api'; import {files} from './typings'; const code = ` //-------------------------- // Contents of "models" //-------------------------- // // export interface Item { // id: String; // name: String; // value: String; // } // // export interface Result { // id: String; // name: String; // value: String; // } //-------------------------- // Contents of "lambda" //-------------------------- // // import {Item} from 'models'; // // export interface Event { // input: Item[] // } // // export interface Context { // // } import {Event, Context} from "lambda"; import {Item, Result} from "models" import * as R from "ramda"; export const lambda = async (event:Event, context:Context): Promise<Result[]> => { const result:Result[] = => ({ id:, name:, value: input.value }),event.input); return result; } ` export class AdvancedTypescriptEditor extends Component { constructor(props){ super(props); this.state = { code } } onChange(newValue, e) { // console.log('onChange', newValue, e); } editorWillMount(monaco) { // validation settings monaco.languages.typescript.typescriptDefaults.setDiagnosticsOptions({ noSemanticValidation: false, noSyntaxValidation: false }); // compiler options monaco.languages.typescript.typescriptDefaults.setCompilerOptions({ target: monaco.languages.typescript.ScriptTarget.ES6, allowNonTsExtensions: true }); for (const fileName in files) { const fakePath = `file:///node_modules/@types/${fileName}`; monaco.languages.typescript.typescriptDefaults.addExtraLib( files[fileName], fakePath ); } } editorDidMount(editor, monaco) { editor.focus(); } render() { const options = { selectOnLineNumbers: true, model: monaco.editor.getModel(Uri.parse("file:///main.tsx")) || monaco.editor.createModel(code, "typescript", monaco.Uri.parse("file:///main.tsx")) } return ( <MonacoEditor width="800" height="800" language="typescript" theme="vs-dark" defaultValue='' value={this.state.code} onChange={this.onChange} editorWillMount={this.editorWillMount} editorDidMount={this.editorDidMount} options={options} /> ) } }