E-ink display that connects to your google calendar and retrieves the data from the next 6 days updating every 24 hours.
- https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/E-Paper_ESP32_Driver_Board
- https://www.waveshare.com/product/7.5inch-e-paper.htm
- We use google scripts to connect to our google calendar and retrieve the needed information.
- After doing such, from our esp32 we connect to the scripts application and retrieve the data from the html reponse.
- We give format to the response to have a better integrationwith the e-ink display.
- We print it to the display using the waveshare library for arduino. (Make sure you have all libraries and drivers download and installed correctly to be able to connect to the display)
- The data will update every 24 Hours, restarting the device will force an update at any time.
Sat May 08 2021 Lunch with friends 14:30:00-15:30:00 Dinner with friends 21:00:00-22:00:00 | Sun May 09 2021 Breakfast 9:30:00-10:30:00 | Mon May 10 2021 Going to class All day | Tue May 11 2021 Computer Science Exam 10:00:00-12:00:00 | Wed May 12 2021 Studying for next exam All day | Thu May 13 2021 Reading 21:30:00-22:00:00