This is a Flutter-based app designed to follow Gibson's 24-hour Methodology for nutritional data collection for ICRISAT
The app follows the structure of the four passes for the Gibson 24-hour methodology. It has been designed with prompts to help the enumerator carrying out the survey to make the process at intuitive as possible. It has been designed with offline usage in mind, with a local database of the recipes and recent data collected.
Use any compatible Flutter compiler to run this app on an emulator. examples include Visual Studio Code and Android Studio.
When loading for the first time, use this command to get all dependencies
flutter pub get
Run the app in debugging mode from VS Code or Android Studio using
flutter run
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
This project was forked from the original by Choon Kiat Lee and it was taken on by Greg Chu & Juan Rodgers