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Wraps utilities for opening and saving files needed by SwiftInfo.
public struct FileUtils
public init(fileManager: FileManager = .default, fileOpener: FileOpener = .init())
let supportedInfofilePaths
The path to the Xcode build log.
var buildLogFilePath
The path to the Xcode test log.
var testLogFilePath
The path to the Buck log.
var buckLogFilePath
let outputFileName
let infofileName
A file manager.
let fileManager: FileManager
The utility that opens and saves files.
let fileOpener: FileOpener
The working path that is containing the SwiftInfo binary.
var toolFolder: String
The path where Infofile.swift is located.
public func infofileFolder() throws -> String
The contents of the test log located in the testLogFilePath
public func testLog() throws -> String
The contents of the buck log located in the buckLogFilePath
public func buckLog() throws -> String
The contents of the build log located in the buildLogFilePath
public func buildLog() throws -> String
The folder where the output should be stored.
public func outputFileFolder() throws -> String
The desired file path of the output.
public func outputFileURL() throws -> URL
Opens the current output JSON in outputFileURL()
and returns it as a dictionary.
public func fullOutput() throws -> [String: Any]
Opens the current output JSON in outputFileURL()
and returns the array of SwiftInfo executions.
public func outputArray() throws -> [[String: Any]]
Opens the current output JSON in outputFileURL()
and returns the latest SwiftInfo execution.
public func lastOutput() throws -> Output
Saves an output dictionary to the outputFileURL()
public func save(output: [[String: Any]]) throws
Generated at 2020-05-09T11:06:54+0000 using swift-doc 1.0.0-beta.2.
- ArchiveDurationProvider
- ArchiveDurationProvider.Args
- BuildSystem
- CodeCoverageProvider
- CodeCoverageProvider.Args
- DLError
- DLHandle
- DLOpenFlags
- FileOpener
- FileUtils
- HTTPClient
- IPASizeProvider
- IPASizeProvider.Args
- LargestAssetCatalogProvider
- LargestAssetCatalogProvider.Args
- LargestAssetProvider
- LargestAssetProvider.Args
- LinesOfCodeProvider
- LinesOfCodeProvider.Args
- LongestTestDurationProvider
- LongestTestDurationProvider.Args
- Main
- OBJCFileCountProvider
- OBJCFileCountProvider.Args
- Output
- ProjectInfo
- Runner
- SKRequestDictionary
- SKResponse
- SKResponseDictionary
- SKResult
- SlackFormatter
- SourceKit
- Summary
- Summary.Style
- SwiftInfo
- SwiftInfoError
- TargetCountProvider
- TargetCountProvider.Args
- TargetCountProvider.Args.Mode
- TestCountProvider
- TestCountProvider.Args
- TotalAssetCatalogsSizeProvider
- TotalAssetCatalogsSizeProvider.Args
- TotalTestDurationProvider
- TotalTestDurationProvider.Args
- WarningCountProvider
- WarningCountProvider.Args
- XcodeprojPlistExtractor
- sourcekitd_keys
- sourcekitd_requests
- sourcekitd_values