This is a polyglot language (english and french) that runs on a 16bit VM called BasalVM.
- Variables
[x] integer (int, integer, entier, ent)
[x] boolean (bin, binary, binaire)
[x] float [16bit] (dec, decimal)
[ ] strings (not done)
[ ] char
[ ] arrays
- Control Flow
[x] If/Else statement
[x] For loops
[x] While loops
- Print Statement
- Abstractions
[ ] Functions
[ ] Classes
[ ] Heap Allocation
- gcc
- make
Call the compile to a Basal Lang file, the compiler will out the assembly (basalVM) equivalent of the program, if no error was encountered. You can change the file output with the -o option.
./main <basm_file>
ex : ./bin/bsl examples/fibo.bsl -o fibo.basm
# English keywords
integer a = 0
integer b = 1
print a
for integer i=0 until 10:
print ", "
b = a + b
a = b - a
print a
print "\n------------\n"
# French keywords
entier c = 0
entier d = 1
impr c
pour entier i=0 jusque 10:
impr ", "
d = d + c
c = d - c
impr c
impr "\n"