- Colin Gillespie @csgillespie, Jumping Rivers
- Rhian Davies @trianglegirl, Jumping Rivers
- UseR
- R-Ladies East Lansing
- R-Ladies Chicago
Date: July 31, 2020 Time: 9–11.30 AM EST
- Zoom meeting link will be provided to confirmed attendees
Log into Slack:
[RLEL] https://rladies-eastlansing.slack.com
[RLC] https://rladies-chicago.slack.com
(Shared Channel: #2020-gitmore)
[email protected]; [email protected]
Participants should be familiar with
- writing basic R functions
- basic git, e.g push, pull, commit. The initial task will be to
- fork a repo
- Clone the repo onto your machine
- basic GitHub
- writing a simple R package
Please create accounts on the following websites:
Please remember that this is a hands-on co-work/Q&A session.
- Please make sure you have updated/working versions of R/RStudio; Git/GitHub (optional: GitHub Desktop)
- Please join via Zoom + Slack with your laptops
- Post your questions in the shared Slack channel #2020-gitmore (for R-Ladies East Lansing/Chicago)
Getting the most of Git | 2019 tutorial
- Part 1: Introduction to CI and Git
- Part 2: Travis Part 1
- Part 3: GitHub Pat
- Part 4: Travis Part 2
- Part 5: The pkgdown website
We will discuss widely applicable Q's via Zoom for everyone's benefit.
We will answer additional Q's via Slack.
- Getting Started/Detailed Onboarding by @csgillespie
- Repo for this meetup w/ setup instructions, slides, and other useful preparatory material: https://github.com/rladies-eastlansing/2020-gitmore
- Zoom meeting link will be provided to confirmed attendees [Zoom desktop would be preferable]
- Git Novice from Software Carpentry: https://swcarpentry.github.io/git-novice/
- Git Cheatsheets: https://github.com/jananiravi/cheatsheets/tree/master/git-md
- Happy Git with R: https://happygitwithr.com/
- How to create a package from Scratch: https://hilaryparker.com/2014/04/29/writing-an-r-package-from-scratch/
Having trouble with installation & set-up?
- Find us on Slack: rladies-eastlansing.slack.com OR rladies-chicago.slack.com
#2020-gitmore - Email us: [email protected] OR [email protected]